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Appropriations Requests

Brief Overview

As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, many constituents are interested in the federal appropriations requests, or "earmarks" I secure each year for projects in Northern Virginia and those with a national and/or international focus. The responsible application of earmarked funds -- federal resources designated for projects of high public purpose, can have widespread benefits for our communities, our state, and our nation.

These requests often support renewable energy programs, higher education, health care and medical research, military intelligence and construction, environmental protection, infrastructure, and transportation initiatives that have regional and national benefits. The federal appropriations process is lengthy and complicated, involving 12 separate bills that must be enacted each year to give our military, highway systems, health care, social security and hundreds of other federal agencies the funding necessary to carry out their missions.

This year, in compliance with new House Appropriations Committee rules and in order to make this process as transparent as possible, I am posting all of my earmark requests that have been sent to the committee for consideration on this website. Please keep in mind that not all projects I request are funded. The committee ultimately decides which projects receive funding.

Below is the list of earmarks I submitted for Fiscal Year 2010, organized alphabetically by the applicable Appropriations Bill. For more information on how the appropriations process works, here is an informative article for your consideration.

Agriculture - Rural Development - Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations

Commerce - Justice - Science and Related Agencies Appropriations

Defense Appropriations

Energy & Water Development Appropriations

Financial Services and General Government Appropriations

Interior and Environment Appropriations

Labor - Health and Human Services - Education and Related Agencies Appropriations

Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations

State - Foreign Operations and Related Programs

Transportation - Housing & Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations



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