Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology

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"What link does Astrobiology have to Physics? Is there a link between Astrobiology and fluids? nuclear? Forces? or Motion?"
  1. AbSciCon 2010 First Announcement

    AbSciCon Banner

    Astrobiology Science Conference 2010
    First Announcement Online Now!

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    The Astrobiology Science Conference 2010 will be held at the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) April 26–29, 2010. Please submit the Indication of Intent form by October 1, 2009, in order to be added to the mailing list to receive reminders and other pertinent information related to the conference.

    View the Announcement Now!!

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    LPI          Lunar and Planetary Institute               USRA

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  2. Planetary Science Decadal Survey: White Papers Posted for Comment

    Planetary Science Decadal Survey

    Comments are being solicited from members of the astrobiology community on the following paper(s) that will be submitted to the 2009-2011 Planetary Science Decadal Survey. Papers will be revised based on community feedback. Additonal papers will be posted here as they become available.

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  3. Wanted: Easy-Going Martian Roommates

    Mars is not for the finicky. If something does live there, it’s likely going to be similar to the more adaptive life forms on our planet. A group of researchers is studying a particular microbe that they think could be a model for Mars life.

    Source: []

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  4. Lead Astrobiology Civil Servant Position Now Available

    The Planetary Science Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate is now advertising for the senior Program Scientist for Astrobiology. In general, this civil servant will oversee the science content and execution of the Astrobiology Program. A detailed description of the position and how to apply for this opportunity can be found on with a announcement number (or search number): HQ09B0156. This position opened on July 10 and will close August 10, 2009. I encourage anyone who is interested to apply.

    James L. Green
    Director Planetary Science Division

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  5. Phoenix Results Point to Climate Cycles

    Phoenix Scoop
    The first major peer-reviewed reports on the finding of NASA’s Phoenix Mars Mission have been published in the journal Science. The reports show how favorable chemistry and episodes of liquid water could have made the Phoenix landing site habitable for microbes in Mars’ past. In fact, it is possible that the site could become habitable again in Mars’ future according to Phoenix Principal Investigator, Peter Smith (ASU).

    Source: []

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  6. Salt Discovered in Saturn's Outermost Ring

    For the first time, scientists working on NASA’s Cassini mission have detected sodium salts in ice grains of Saturn’s outermost ring. Detecting salty ice indicates that Saturn’s moon Enceladus, which primarily replenishes the ring with material from discharging jets, could harbor a reservoir of liquid water — perhaps an ocean — beneath its surface.

    Cassini discovered the water-ice jets in 2005 on Enceladus. These jets expel tiny ice grains and vapor, some of which escape the moon’s gravity and form Saturn’s outermost ring. Cassini’s cosmic dust analyzer has examined the composition of those grains and found salt within...

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    Source: [NASA Press Release]

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  7. Rock Bands Spin an Oxygen Record

    The rise of oxygen on early Earth may have been caused by a microbial changing of the guard between methane-producers and oxygen-producers. This swap may have been initiated by a drop in the ocean’s nickel abundance. Continuing studies of the world’s largest iron ore deposits could cement the case.

    Source: [Astrobiology Magazine]

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