CEDR Bibliographic Database

SPIRES-CEDRBFS: FIND RECORD 1597 CEDR Bibliographic Number: 1597

BFSID: 1597


McGravran, P. D. (McGavran Toxicology Consulting, Inc.)


Rood, A. S. (K-SPAR, Inc.)


Till, John E. (Radiological Assessments Corp. (Principal Investigator))

Main Report Entry:

Report Title: Final Report: Estimated Exposure and Lifetime Cancer Incidence Risk from Beryllium Released to the Air from the Rocky Flats Plant (Part of Task 3: Independent analysis of exposure, dose, and health risk to offsite individuals)
Report Date: August, 1999
Report Institution: Radiological Assessements Corporation
Report Number: RAC Report No. 02-CDPHE-RFP-1997-FINAL (Rev. 1)
One source of item may be CEDRBFS 3468

Additional Parts of this Document:

Report Title: Executive Summary: Estimated Exposure and Lifetime Cancer Incidence Risk from Beryllium Released to the Air from the Rocky Flats Plant
Report Date: 1999
Report Institution: Radiological Assessements Corporation
Report Number: RAC Report No. 02-CDPHE-RFP-1997-FINAL (Rev. 1)

Report Title: Executive Summary: Estimated Exposure and Lifetime Cancer Incidence Risk from Beryllium Released to the Air from the Rocky Flats Plant
Report Date: 1999
Report Institution: Radiological Assessements Corporation
Report Number: RAC Report No. 02-CDPHE-RFP-1997-FINAL (Rev. 1)

Report Title: Appendix A: Estimated Exposure and Lifetime Cancer Incidence Risk from Beryllium Released to the Air from the Rocky Flats Plant
Report Date: 1999
Report Institution: Radiological Assessements Corporation
Report Number: RAC Report No. 02-CDPHE-RFP-1997-FINAL (Rev. 1)
One source of item may be CEDRBFS 3468

Date Added: 03/31/2004