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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District

Student Corner

(On March 19, 2008, Congressman Davis welcomed then-U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings to Maysville and Newport to discuss education policy.)

Our schools are essential to the development of Kentucky’s children and the future of the Commonwealth.  I especially enjoy the opportunity to visit with students and teachers and learn about local solutions schools are using to improve the educational experience of each child.  If you are interested in arranging a visit to your school or classroom, please contact any of my offices to make that request.  Additionally, we can provide U.S. flags and copies of the U.S. Constitution upon request.  You can request a U.S. flag here.

If your school, class or family is coming to Washington, D.C., my office is happy to arrange a tour of the U.S. Capitol Building for you.  Please contact our Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-3465 if you are planning to visit our nation’s Capitol and we will do everything we can to help make your trip educational and enjoyable.  You can request a tour of the U.S. Capitol or White House here.

The Student Corner section of my website was designed to help Kentucky students of all ages learn more about American history, the U.S. Government and a range of federal agencies.  Select the links below to find a variety of helpful resources.  If you would like additional assistance, or if you have questions, feel free to contact my Fort Mitchell office at (859) 426-0080.

   Resources for Elementary School Students 

   Resources for Middle School Students 

   Resources for High School Students

   Resources for Parents and Teachers 

   Help Paying for College
   Visit our database of helpful information on financial aid
   and student loans to find out what resources are
   available to help you pay for college. 


   Congressional Art Competition 
   Students from the Fourth District have the opportunity to
   have their artwork displayed in the Capitol Building. 

   U.S. Service Academy Nominations 
   Members of Congress have the privilege of nominating
   students to attend military academies. Click here to find
   out more information. 

   Congressional Internship Program
   Find information about internships in Congressman Davis' D.C.
   and District offices. 

   Congressional Page Program 
   Find information about the Congressional Page Program in
   Washington, D.C.