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Thursday, August 13, 2009
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Kids Are Ready

Disasters have become too commonplace in the world. I couldn’t just stand around and let people suffer because they are unprepared so I started a youth-run volunteer organization, Always Ready Kids, and won a Do Something Disaster Grant to help fund my efforts.

During my youth, many horrible disasters have occurred: teenage shooters at Columbine, terrorists attacking the World Trade Centers, hundreds of thousands killed by the Tsunami in Southeast Asia, Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans, and countless more. What inspired me to take action was the increase in the amount and magnitude of disasters in recent years.

The mission of Always Ready Kids was inspired by my Aunt Betsy who is a 9/11 survivor. Aunt Betsy was pushing the revolving door of the Center when the first plane hit. She says that what helped her survive is that she “was prepared with basic items” in her purse like a flashlight and handkerchief. Aunt Betsy is proof that preparedness saves lives.

Always Ready Kids’ mission is to help prepare youth and their families for disasters, and if a disaster strikes, to assist in the relief efforts. Members of Always Ready Kids supply young people and their families with information on what to include in emergency supply kits. We then ask that the individual promise to prepare an emergency supply kit. In exchange for making the Always Ready Kids Preparedness Promise to make an emergency supply kit, the recipient receives an Always Ready Kids Preparedness Promise bracelet. Our goal is to have 20,000 people take the Always Ready Kids Preparedness Promise.

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This is an official website of the U.S. Government | Last updated: Thursday, August 13, 2009