Mike Thompson United States Congressman - First District of California

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5/5/2008 Rep. Thompson’s Statement on Trip to Iraq
2/5/2008 Statement by Congressman Thompson on President's Budget Proposal
12/4/2007 Statement from Congressman Thompson on Intelligence that Iran is Not Developing Nuclear Weapons
9/20/2007 Statement by Rep. Mike Thompson, author of the Airline Passenger Bill of Rights, on House Passage of the FAA Reauthorization
9/10/2007 Statement by Rep. Mike Thompson on General Petraeus’ Report
8/27/2007 Rep. Mike Thompson: Gonzales’ Resignation is Opportunity to Strengthen Civil Liberties
7/17/2007 Statement by Rep. Mike Thompson on National Intelligence Estimate
5/1/2007 Thompson Responds to President’s Veto of Critical Emergency Spending Bill
3/23/2007 Statement by Rep. Mike Thompson on Iraq War Vote
2/6/2007 President’s Budget Harms Middle-Class, Neglects Seniors & Kids
1/24/2007 Statement by Rep. Mike Thompson on the President’s State of the Union Address
1/10/2007 Statement by Rep. Mike Thompson on President’s War Escalation
12/6/2006 Rep. Thompson on the Iraq Study Group Report
7/31/2006 Statement by Rep. Mike Thompson on Loss of North Coast Conservation Leader Tim McKay
7/11/2006 Statement on OMB’s Mid-Session Review of the Budget
7/6/2006 Statement on Salmon Announcement
9/29/2005 Thompson Endangered Species Act Statement
7/20/2005 Thompson Electronic Waste Statement