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Office of the Director, Maternal and Child Health Bureau

The work of all Maternal and Child Health Bureau divisions, programs, and staff is in support of the Bureau’s Strategic Plan (2003-2007) for meeting the needs of the maternal and child health populations of the United States and its Jurisdictions. The Bureau focuses—through leadership, performance, and accountability—on accomplishment of five over-arching goals: 1) Provide National Leadership for Maternal and Child Health; 2) Promote an Environment that Supports Maternal and Child Health; 3) Eliminate Health Barriers and Disparities; 4) Improve the Health Infrastructure and Systems of Care, and 5) Assure Quality of Care. The Bureau’s progress—or accountability—toward goal achievement is reported annually.

MCHB Vision: The Maternal and Child Health Bureau believes in a future America in which the right to grow to one’s full potential is universally assured through attention to the comprehensive physical, psychological, and social needs of the MCH population. We strive for a society where children are wanted and born with optimal health; receive quality care; and are nurtured lovingly and sensitively as they mature into healthy, productive adults. MCHB seeks a Nation where there is equal access for all to quality health care in a supportive, culturally competent, family and community setting.

The Office of the Director of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) provides leadership and policy direction for all programs and activities to accomplish the Bureau’s Mission:

To provide national leadership and to work in partnership with States, communities, public-private partners, and families to strengthen the maternal and child health (MCH) infrastructure, assure the availability and use of medical/health homes, and build knowledge and human resources, in order to assure continued improvement in the health, safety, and well-being of the maternal and child health population. The MCH population includes all America’s pregnant women, infants, children, adolescents, and their families —including women of reproductive age, fathers, and children with special health care needs.

The Office of the Director includes the Offices of Data and Program Development, Operations and Management, and the HRSA Office of Women’s Health.

The Office of Operations and Management has two teams: Financial Management and Management Policy and Services.

The Financial Management Team

This team manages the Bureau’s budget and financial activities. It formulates, justifies, and participates in Bureau budget presentations and reviews; it responds to inquiries from the Department of Health and Human Services, the Office of Management and Budget, the U.S. Congress, and private sector organizations. The team also oversees the development and execution of long- and short-term financial plans for Bureau operating costs and a variety of grant, contract, and reimbursable programs that focus on improving the health of mothers and children. The team works closely with MCHB’s legislation and evaluation personnel.

The Management Policy and Services Team

This team provides Bureau-wide advice, guidance, and services pertaining to management policy and administrative support services. It analyzes and prepares reports on the Bureau’s organizational structure, functions, and delegations of authorities; performs management studies to improve cost and management efficiency; and clears all personnel actions, contracts, and interagency agreements, travel documents, training requests, equipment management, space management, and other general administrative services.

The Office of Data and Program Development (ODPD)

This office manages the Bureau’s data and evaluation programs.  Specifically, this office coordinates and analyzes the national survey programs on the overall health of children and children with special health care needs.  The office is also charged with building and enhancing the data capacities at the state level, including programs in health information technology.  Further, this office manages the Bureau’s policy planning, legislative, and evaluation activities. Major cross-cutting areas of responsibility, which OPD coordinates within the Bureau and with other Government Federal agencies, include strategic planning, Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), quality assurance, managed care, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicaid demonstrations and waivers, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) clearances and regulatory activities.

HRSA Office of Women’s Health

This office provides leadership and guidance in developing policy and in establishing goals and priorities to affirm the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) response to women’s health issues across the lifespan. The office director serves as the chair of the HRSA Women’s Health Coordinating Committee, whose members help integrate women’s health issues across bureau, center, and office programs, respectively.  In addition, the office works with other Federal and State government agencies, educational and professional entities, and public and private organizations to promote opportunities for partnership to eliminate barriers to care, focus on evidence-based preventive health practice, and support a culturally competent health professional workforce that will engage women, their families, and their communities in better health for all.

Maternal and Child Health Bureau

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Health Resources and Services Administration
Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Parklawn Building Room 18-05
5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857 |
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