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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District

Press Releases

Contact: Alexandra Haynes 202-225-3465

Reps. Davis, Driehaus Unveil New Study in Support of Brent Spence Bridge Project
Lawmakers Call on Congressional Leaders to Make Brent Spence a Top Priority

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Washington, Jun 16 -

Washington, D.C. — Representatives Geoff Davis (R-KY) and Steve Driehaus (D-OH)  have unveiled a new study by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) underscoring the benefits of the Brent Spence Bridge rehabilitation project.  Reps. Driehaus and Davis sent this study with a letter to House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (T&I) Chairman James L. Oberstar (D-MN), and they reiterated their request of the chairman to make the Brent Spence project a top priority in the next surface transportation authorization.  The study and letter answered specific questions that Chairman Oberstar asked of both Congressmen when they testified in support of the Brent Spence Bridge project before T&I’s Subcommittee for Highways and Transit on April 28, 2009.

Congressman Davis stated, “Anyone who sits on the Brent Spence Bridge day-in and day-out intuitively knows what the TTI study has confirmed: completing this project will produce tremendous benefits for the region and for our nation.  The benefits include saved time and fuel for individuals and businesses, improved air quality from reduced vehicle idling, economic growth and job creation.  Congressman Driehaus and I are pleased to continue building the case for this project in Congress.”

“This study reinforces what we already know about the Brent Spence Bridge project.  The existing bridge cannot meet current demand, and supporting this project would have significant impact not only on our local economy, but on a critically important component of our national transportation system.  I again urge Chairman Oberstar to make the Brent Spence project a top transportation priority,” said Rep. Driehaus.

The TTI study concludes that completing the Brent Spence Bridge project would save 2.9 million person-hours of delay, 210,000 vehicle-hours of delay, and 1.22 million gallons of fuel every year.  The TTI study also estimates that twenty years after the completion of the project, the $2.5 billion to $3 billion invested to complete the project would result in $18.9 billion in benefits for commuters, shippers, and manufacturers.

You can stay up-to-date on Congressman Geoff Davis’ efforts on the Brent Spence Bridge project by clicking here.

View the PDF of the letter here.

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