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Sensor Web / Testbed Initiatives  

Integrated Initiatives


see the associated Validation Report, Part 7

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Questions and comments related to this document should be directed to:

Joseph Young
EO-1 Technology Transfer Manager
EO-1 Mission Office
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: 301-286-8146
Fax: 301-286-1736
E-Mail: Joe Young

The ultimate goal of the Sensor Web/Testbed Initiatives activity is to integrate the various elements into a unified, seamless software system. This system would provide the ability to autonomously assemble and control an ad hoc constellation of satellites. For example, the system could contained linked elements such as a science goal monitor, science data analysis algorithms, mission operations planner, momentum management tool, cloud detection and prediction capability, and a failure diagnostic tool. In addition, there would be a ground-based network of a large number of small adaptive antennas that would provide a cost-effective means for interconnecting members of an ad-hoc constellation.

Documentation of efforts to create an above described unified autonomous operations system, using EO-1 as a testbed follows:

1. Experimenting with an Evolving Ground/Space-based Software Architecture to Enable Sensor Webs PDF
2. Autonomous Mission Operations Systems PDF

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