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May 21, 2009

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Jeannine Mjoseth,
Mamie Bittner,

IMLS Convenes Meeting to Define Global Understanding Initiative

IMLS Director Anne Radice welcomes meeting attendees.
IMLS Director Anne Radice welcomes meeting attendees.
Meeting attendees listen in during group discussion.
Meeting attendees listen in during group discussion.

Washington, DC—Leaders of international cultural organizations, libraries, museums, and schools met May 15 for an all-day brainstorming session on how museums and public libraries can advance global understanding and increase cross-cultural communications, particularly among youth. The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), which hosted the meeting, will translate the day’s dialogue into a policy statement highlighting the partnership role that museums and libraries can play in linking global communities.

“Museums and libraries have an exceptional capacity to anchor communities, inspire learning, promote dialogue, and strengthen global awareness,” said Anne-Imelda M. Radice, IMLS Director. “These cultural institutions are essential partners in their local communities and the time is right for them to become even more powerful partners linking the global community.”

“As the U.S. enters into a new era of international collaboration and prepares itself for a renewed role in cultural diplomacy, it is important that federal agencies like IMLS are drawing attention to the role that museums and libraries can play,” said Mrs. Harriet Mayor Fulbright, widow of Senator J. William Fulbright, President of the J. William and Harriet Fulbright Center.

Goals of the meeting were to:

  • Identify common goals and challenges and inspire collaboration;
  • Develop awareness and build bridges between museums and libraries and organizations whose experience includes cross-cultural communications and development of global understanding;
  • Develop the capacity of museum and libraries to contribute to successful cross-cultural interaction and navigation of diverse cultures;
  • Focus attention on building global awareness among young people and library and museum professionals, and;
  • Identify possible policy, practice, communication, and resource strategies.

To provide comments on museums and libraries’ roles in advancing global understanding and cross-cultural communications, please contact IMLS Research Officer Mary Downs at

Participants were leaders in citizen diplomacy, international exchange, youth development, community development, and the museum and library fields, including the following members:

Anan Ameri
Arab American National Museum
Dearborn, MI

Rick J. Ashton
Chief Operating Officer
Urban Libraries Council, Chicago, IL

Peggy A. Bulger
American Folklife Center
Library of Congress
Washington, DC

Ginnie Cooper
Chief Librarian
District of Columbia Public Library
Washington, DC

Alejandra de la Paz
Executive Director
Cultural Institute of Mexico
Washington, DC

Vishakha Desai
President and CEO
Asia Society
New York, NY

Betsy Devlin-Foltz
Executive Director
Longview Foundation
Silver Spring, MD

Michael Dowling
International Relations Office and
Chapter Relations Office
American Library Association
Chicago, IL

Charlotte Eyerman
Executive Committee Member
French Regional and
American Museums Exchange
Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art
Saint Louis Art Museum
St. Louis, MO

Harriet Mayor Fulbright
The J. William and Harriet Fulbright Center
Arlington, VA

Silvia Blitzer Golombek
Senior Vice President
Youth Service America
Washington, DC

Elaine Heumann Gurian
Senior Museum Consultant
Elaine Heumann Gurian LLC
Arlington, VA

Frank Hodsoll
President and CEO
Resource Center for Cultural Engagement
Washington, DC

Ellen Holtzman
Program Director for American Art
Henry Luce Foundation
New York, NY

Eric S. Howard
Executive Director
Fulbright Academy of Science and Technology
Cape Elizabeth, ME

Ron Kagan
Executive Director and CEO
Detroit Zoological Society
Royal Oak, MI

Christine M. Kalke
Senior Analyst and International Coordinator
National Endowment for the Humanities
Washington, DC

Candace Katz
Interim Executive Director
President's Committee on the Arts and
the Humanities
Washington, DC

Richard Kurin
Under Secretary
History Art, and Culture, Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC

Erik Ledbetter
International Programs and Ethics
American Association of Museums
Washington, DC

Bob Lynch
President and CEO
Americans for the Arts
Washington, DC

Mary Kennedy McCabe
Executive Director
Mid-America Arts Alliance
Kansas City, MO

Peter McFarren
Inter-American Culture and Development Foundation
Washington DC

Sharon Memis
British Council USA
Washington DC

Henry Moran
Senior Consultant
International Programs and Global Partnerships
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Washington, DC

Peggy O'Brien
Office of Family & Public Engagement
District of Columbia Public Schools
Washington, DC

Pennie Ojeda
International Activities
National Endowment for the Arts
Washington, DC

Malcolm Richardson
Senior Partnership Officer
National Endowment for the Humanities
Washington, DC

Stephan Roman
Regional Director
West Europe and North America
British Council
Manchester, UK

Ann Olsen Schodde
President and CEO
US Center for Citizen Diplomacy
Des Moines, IA

Kathy Dwyer Southern
President and CEO
National Children’s Museum
Washington, DC

Patrice Walker-Powell
Acting Chairman
National Endowment for the Arts
Washington, DC

Carole M. Watson
Acting Chairman
National Endowment for the Humanities
Washington, DC

Allen Weinstein
Visiting Professor
College of Information Studies
University of Maryland
College Park, MD and
Former Archivist of the United States
Washington, DC

GladysAnn Wells
Director and State Librarian
Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records
Phoenix, AZ

Mats Widbom
Cultural Counselor
Embassy of Sweden
Washington, DC

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation's 123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The Institute's mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. The Institute works at the national level and in coordination with state and local organizations to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge; enhance learning and innovation; and support professional development. To learn more about the Institute, please visit

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