; IDL PROCEDURE: READ_POAM2_VER6 ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Function: Open and read POAM2_VER6 HDF data files. ; Write minimum and maximum values of the parameters ; to the output file. ; Keywords are available if the User wants to subset the ; by date or orbit number (rev). ; A call to dialog_pickfile is used to create a dialog ; box for filename choice. This routine assumes those files ; are in the current directory. The 'PATH' parameter may ; need to be modified to correspond to the location ; of the input files. ; ; *** Please see the README file for further details *** ; ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 1-DIM ARRAYS ("n" dimension is orbit number, a unique id) ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; rev(n) = integer: Orbit Number (unique id) ; date(n) = long: Date (YYYYMMDD) ; sec(n) = float: Seconds of day (UT) ; lat(n) = float: Latitude (-90 - +90 deg) ; lon(n) = float: Longitude (0 - 360 deg) ; z_ozone(36) = float: Ozone altitude grid 15-50 (km) ; z_no2(21) = float: NO2 altitude grid 20-40 (km) ; z_aerosol(21)= float: Aerosol altitude grid 10-30 (km) ; z_anc(61) = float: Anc. data altitude grid 0-60 (km) ; rev_index(n) = float: ; ; 2-DIM ARRAYS ("n by nz", nz is altitude dimension) ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ozone(n,36) = float: Ozone Concentration (cm-3) ; err_ozone(n,36) = float: Ozone Error Bars (cm-3) ; no2(n,21) = float: NO2 Concentration (cm-3) ; err_no2(n,21) = float: NO2 Error Bars (cm-3) ; aerosol(n,21) = float: Aerosol Extinction at 1.06um (km-1) ; err_aerosol(n,21)= float: Aerosol Error Bar (km-1) ; temperature(n,61)= float: UKMO Temperature (K) ; pressure(n,61) = float: UKMO Pressure (mb) ; pv(n,61) = float: UKMO Potential Vorticity ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORDS WHICH RETURN SUB-ARRAYS ; ------------------------------------------ ; startrev = integer: starting orbit for all arrays (overrides startdate) ; endrev = integer: last orbit for all arrays (overrides enddate) ; startdate = long (YYYYMMDD): starting date for arrays ; endate = long (YYYYMMDD): last date for arrays ; ; EXAMPLE USAGE ; ------------- ; Obtain data for Jan. 1, 1995 through Jan. 11, 1995: ; ; read_poam2_ver6,startdate=19950101L,enddate=19950111L ; ; ; This software has been tested on the following systems: ; ; Computer Operating System IDL Version ; --------------- ---------------- ----------- ; Sun Sparc Solaris 2.6 5.1 ; SGI Origin 2000 IRIX 6.4 5.2 ; HP 9000/735 HP-UX 10.10 5.1 ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Contact: Langley DAAC User and Data Services Office ; NASA Langley Research Center ; Mail Stop 157D ; Hampton, VA 23681-2199 ; Phone (757)864-8656 Fax (757)864-8807 ; e-mail: larc@eos.nasa.gov ; http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov ; ;================================================================================= PRO read_poam2_ver6,startrev=startrev,endrev=endrev,startdate=startdate,enddate=enddate ; ; dialog box containing filenames ; The path parameter may be added to suit your system ; For example, if the files are located in the directory data, use: ; filename = dialog_pickfile(/read,path='data/',filter='*.hdf') filename = dialog_pickfile(/read,filter='*.hdf') ; ; open output file ; openw,out_lun,filename+'_output',/get_lun ; ; OPEN AND INITIALIZE HDF FILE INFO ; if (HDF_ISHDF(filename) ne 1) then begin print,"Error, not a HDF file: ",filename stop endif handle = HDF_OPEN(filename,/read) hid = HDF_SD_START(filename,/read) ; ; FIND DIMENSION FROM REV ARRAY ; index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'rev') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETINFO,sid,dims=dims nevents = dims(0) max_events=nevents ; ; READ REV ARRAY AND DATE ARRAY ; HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,rev index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'date') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,date max_rev=max(rev,min=min_rev) max_date=max(date,min=min_date) ; ; get array dimensions based on rev array ; nz = 61 ;altitude dimension size for ancillary na = 21 ;altitude dimension size for aerosol data nO3 = 36 ;altitude dimension size for ozone data nNO2 = 21 ;altitude dimension size for NO2 data n = nevents ;rev dimension size for all data c1 = [nevents] ;count array for reading 1-dim data c2 = [nevents,nz] ;count array for reading 2-dim data c3 = [nevents,nO3] ;count array for reading 2-dim data c4 = [nevents,nNO2] ;count array for reading 2-dim data c5 = [nevents,na] c6 = [nO3] c7 = [nz] c8 = [na] c9 = [nNO2] s1 = [0] ;starting offset for reading 1-dim data s2 = [0,0] ;starting offset for reading 2-dim data ; ; IF START/END REV/DATE KEYWORDS ARE SET THEN OBTAIN ; OFFSET VALUES FOR SUB-REGION OF REVS ; if (keyword_set(startrev) or keyword_set(startdate)) then begin if (keyword_set(startrev)) then begin i = where(rev ge startrev,cnt) endif else begin i = where(date ge startdate,cnt) endelse if (cnt le 0) then begin print,'Error: starting rev not found' stop endif i = i(0) print,'First Rev = ',rev(i) min_rev=rev(i) min_date=date(i) n = n - i s1 = [i] s2 = [i,0] c1 = [n] c2 = [n,nz] c3 = [n,nO3] c4 = [n,nNO2] c5 = [n,na] endif if (keyword_set(endrev) or keyword_set(enddate)) then begin if (keyword_set(endrev)) then begin i = where(rev le endrev,cnt) endif else begin i = where(date le enddate,cnt) endelse if (cnt le 0) then begin print,'Error: ending rev not found' stop endif print,'Last Rev = ',rev(i(cnt-1)) max_rev=rev(i(cnt-1)) max_date=date(i(cnt-1)) n = n - (nevents-1-i(cnt-1)) c1 = [n] c2 = [n,nz] c3 = [n,nO3] c4 = [n,nNO2] c5 = [n,na] endif max_events=n ; ; RESAMPLE THE REV ARRAY ; rev = rev(s1(0):s1(0)+c1(0)-1) date = date(s1(0):s1(0)+c1(0)-1) ; ; READ ALL THE 1-DIM AND 2-DIM ARRAYS ; GET MIN/MAX VALUES ; ; latitude(nevents) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'lat') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,lat,start=s1,count=c1 max_lat=max(lat,min=min_lat) ; longitude(nevents) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'lon') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,lon,start=s1,count=c1 max_lon=max(lon,min=min_lon) ; seconds(nevents) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'sec') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,sec,start=s1,count=c1 ; rev_index(nevents) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'rev_index') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,rev_index,start=s1,count=c1 max_rev_index=max(rev_index,min=min_rev_index) ; ozone(nevents,nO3) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'ozone') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,ozone,start=s2,count=c3 hdf_sd_getinfo,sid,fill=ozone_fill ; get min/max without getting fill value goodIndices = where( ozone ne ozone_fill, count) if count gt 0 then begin temp = ozone[goodIndices] max_o3=max(temp,min=min_o3) endif ; ozone_err(nevents,nO3) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'ozone_err') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,ozone_err,start=s2,count=c3 hdf_sd_getinfo,sid,fill=o3err_fill ; get min/max without getting fill value goodIndices = where( ozone_err ne o3err_fill, count) if count gt 0 then begin temp = ozone_err[goodIndices] max_o3err=max(temp,min=min_o3err) endif ; z_ozone(nO3) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'z_ozone') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,z_ozone max_o3z=max(z_ozone,min=min_o3z) ; z_anc(nz) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'z_anc') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,z_anc max_ancz=max(z_anc,min=min_ancz) ; pressure(nevents,nz) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'P') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,pressure,start=s2,count=c2 max_P=max(pressure,min=min_P) ; temperature(nevents,nz) index=HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'T') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,temperature,start=s2,count=c2 max_T=max(temperature,min=min_T) ; potential_vorticity(nevents,nz) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'PV') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,pv,start=s2,count=c2 hdf_sd_getinfo,sid,fill=PV_fill ; get min/max without getting fill value goodIndices = where( pv ne PV_fill, count) if count gt 0 then begin temp = pv[goodIndices] max_pv=max(temp,min=min_pv) endif ; aerosol(nevents,na) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'aerosol') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,aerosol,start=s2,count=c5 aerosol=reform(aerosol) hdf_sd_getinfo,sid,fill=aer_fill ; get min/max without getting fill value goodIndices = where( aerosol ne aer_fill, count) if count gt 0 then begin temp = aerosol[goodIndices] max_aer=max(temp,min=min_aer) endif ; aer_err(nevents,na) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'aerosol_err') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,aer_err,start=s2,count=c5 aer_err=reform(aer_err) hdf_sd_getinfo,sid,fill=sds_fill ; get min/max without getting fill value goodIndices = where( aer_err ne sds_fill, count) if count gt 0 then begin temp = aer_err[goodIndices] max_aererr=max(temp,min=min_aererr) endif ; z_aerosol(na) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'z_aerosol') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,z_aerosol max_aerz=max(z_aerosol,min=min_aerz) ; no2(nevents,nNO2) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'no2') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,no2,start=s2,count=c4 hdf_sd_getinfo,sid,fill=no2_fill goodIndices = where( no2 ne no2_fill, count) if count gt 0 then begin temp = no2[goodIndices] max_no2=max(temp,min=min_no2) endif ; no2_err(nevents,nNO2) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'no2_err') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,no2_err,start=s2,count=c4 hdf_sd_getinfo,sid,fill=sds_fill ; get min/max without getting fill value goodIndices = where( no2_err ne no2_fill, count) if count gt 0 then begin temp = no2_err[goodIndices] max_no2err=max(temp,min=min_no2err) endif ; z_no2(nNO2) index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(hid,'z_no2') sid = HDF_SD_SELECT(hid,index) HDF_SD_GETDATA,sid,z_no2 max_no2z=max(z_no2,min=min_no2z) ;---------------------- CLOSE FILE HDF_SD_END,hid HDF_CLOSE,handle ; OUTPUT MIN/MAX VALUES TO A FILE printf,out_lun,'****** ',filename,' ******' printf,out_lun,'rev: ',min_rev,max_rev printf,out_lun,'date: ',min_date,max_date printf,out_lun,'lat: ',min_lat,max_lat printf,out_lun,'lon: ',min_lon,max_lon printf,out_lun,'o3: ',min_o3,max_o3 printf,out_lun,'o3err: ',min_o3err,max_o3err printf,out_lun,'o3z: ',min_o3z,max_o3z printf,out_lun,'ancz: ',min_ancz,max_ancz printf,out_lun,'P: ',min_P,max_P printf,out_lun,'T: ',min_T,max_T printf,out_lun,'PV: ',min_PV,max_PV printf,out_lun,'aer: ',min_aer,max_aer printf,out_lun,'aererr: ',min_aererr,max_aererr printf,out_lun,'aerz: ',min_aerz,max_aerz printf,out_lun,'no2: ',min_no2,max_no2 printf,out_lun,'no2err: ',min_no2err,max_no2err printf,out_lun,'no2z: ',min_no2z,max_no2z printf,out_lun,'total number of events: ',max_events print,'Completed reading ',filename print,'Output is in ',filename+'_output' close,out_lun free_lun,out_lun END