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As a senior member of the Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the Department of Transportation, Congressman Hoyer has played a leading role in making improvements to Maryland’s transportation Infrastructure. He secured $172 million for the reconstruction of the Baltimore/Washington Parkway; secured $42 million for the dualization and restoration of the Suitland Parkway; secured nearly $3 billion in funding for expansion of Metro’s Green Line in Prince George’s County; and secured funding for the Southern Maryland Commuter Bus Initiative to construct six new commuter parking facilities in the tri-county region.


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Related Documents

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Washington Area Congressional Delegation Applauds Subcommittee Approval of $150 Million for Metro

WASHINGTON, DC - This evening, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development approved $150 million in federal funding for Metro capital improvements and preventative maintenance -- the full amount sought by Members of the Washington Metro Area's Congressional Delegation.

[thumbnail]Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hoyer Speaks in Regard to DC Metro Crash on House Floor

On Monday evening, as millions of Americans were making their daily commute home, tragedy struck in our nation's Capital. The collision outside of the station in Northeast...

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We have 41 press releases, 24 multimedia clips, 12 articles and 5 opeds on Transportation in our newsroom, for a total of 82 documents. Visit the newsroom to find out more on Steny's views on Transportation

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