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MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS)

Campaign Summary Information


Campaign Details
Name: Fourth Convection and Moisture Experiment
Dates: August 16 - September 24, 2001
Location: North Atlantic & Gulf of Mexico
Principal Investigator: Myers (ARC)
Additional Sensors: AMPR, NOAA-O3, EDOP, EHAD, HAMSR, LIP, MTP, TW
Objective: CAMEX 4 is a series of field research investigations to study tropical cyclones during the most active part of the hurricane season.

Processing Information
Flights Processed: 14 of 14
Total Flight Tracks:
Total Scanlines:
Level-1B Version: #02
Calibration Type: Final
Calibration Version: CAMEX 4 1.0
Temperature Adjustment: None
Status: Level-1B Data in HDF format is available.

Spectral Information
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Files

MAS Nadir Profile Tables
Nadir Profiles

Level-1B Data Distribution
Langley Research Center (LaRC)
NASA GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data Center
NASA Distributive Active Archive Centers (DAACs)

CAMEX 4 Missions
Click on a Track Map to view a particular mission
August 2001
13 Aug 2001
Flight: 01-122
15 Aug 2001
Flight: 01-130
18 Aug 2001
Flight: 01-131
20 Aug 2001
Flight: 01-132
26 Aug 2001
Flight: 01-133
September 2001
07 Sep 2001
Flight: 01-135
09 Sep 2001
Flight: 01-136
10 Sep 2001
Flight: 01-137
06 Sep 2001
Flight: 01-138
19 Sep 2001
Flight: 01-139
22 Sep 2001
Flight: 01-140
23 Sep 2001
Flight: 01-141
24 Sep 2001
Flight: 01-142
26 Sep 2001
Flight: 01-143
Related Web Sites
The Official CAMEX-4 Home Page
AMPR Home Page
NOAA-O3 Home Page
EDOP Home Page
EHAD Home Page
HAMSR Home Page
LIP Home Page
MTP Home Page
TW Home Page
NASA Suborbital Science Program

+MAS Home


Sample Image
Click image for full resolution
Flight: 01-137, Track: #11
Hurrican Erin
(Atlantic Ocean)
Click to load the full resolution image Flight: Direction Indicator
R: 2.15µm
G: 1.64µm
B: 0.55µm