; This program is a modification of the hdfread.pro program ; taken from the following web page www.dfanning.com/programs ; It was modified by Susan Haberer for CSC to read MAS (SCAR B) ; netcdf granules. FUNCTION TEST_ISHDF,filename CATCH, err IF (err EQ 0) THEN RETURN, HDF_ISHDF(filename) $ ELSE RETURN, 0 END ;------------------------------------------------------------------ PRO MAS_READ_NETCDF_IDL, filename ; Open file and initialize the SDS interface. IF N_ELEMENTS(filename) EQ 0 THEN filename = PICKFILE() IF NOT TEST_ISHDF(filename) THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'Invalid HDF file ...' RETURN ENDIF ELSE $ PRINT, 'Valid HDF file. Opening "' + filename + '"' report_file = filename +'.rpt' Openw, lun, report_file,/Get_Lun print, 'Report file is called',report_file printf, lun,'This is a report file for ',filename newFileID = HDF_SD_START(filename, /READ) ; What is in the file. Print the number of ; dmv report_file scarb_mas_950825.00atasets, attributes, and palettes. PRINTf,lun, 'Reading number of datasets and file attributes in file ...' HDF_SD_FILEINFO, newFileID, datasets, attributes numPalettes = HDF_DFP_NPALS(filename) PRINTf,lun, ' PRINTf,lun, 'No. of Datasets: ', datasets PRINTf,lun, 'No. of File Attributes: ', attributes PRINTf,lun, 'No. of Palettes: ', numPalettes ; Print the name of each file attribute glob = ' ' read, glob, prompt='Do you want the global attributes printed to the output file?' global = strupcase(glob) While Not ((global EQ 'Y') OR (global EQ 'N')) do begin read, glob,prompt='You must enter a Y for yes or a N for no!' global = strupcase(glob) endwhile if (global eq 'Y') then begin PRINTf,lun, '' PRINTf,lun, 'Printing name of each file attribute...' FOR j=0, attributes-1 DO BEGIN HDF_SD_ATTRINFO, newFileID, j, NAME=thisAttr PRINTf,lun, 'File Attribute No. ', + STRTRIM(j, 2), ': ', thisAttr AttID = HDF_SD_ATTRFIND(newFileID,thisAttr) HDF_SD_ATTRINFO, newFileID, AttID, DATA=thisdata PRINTf, lun, thisAttr,' ', thisdata ENDFOR endif ; Print the name of each SDS and associated data attributes. PRINTf,lun, '' ; to get select dataset info FOR j=0, datasets-1 DO BEGIN thisSDS = HDF_SD_SELECT(newFileID, j) HDF_SD_GETINFO, thisSDS, NAME=thisSDSName, NATTS=numAttributes PRINT, 'Dataset No. ', (STRTRIM(j,2)+1), ': ', thisSDSName ENDFOR DS = ' ' ALL = ' ' DS_SEL = BYTARR(44) D = 0 ALLSTOP = 1 READ,ALL, PROMPT='Enter 0 for all datasets to be displayed or 1 to select datasets' if (ALL EQ 1) then begin REPEAT BEGIN READ,DS,PROMPT='Enter dataset no. then or zero to end selection process' DSS = FIX(DS) DS_SEL[D] = DSS D = D+1 if (DS eq 0) then allstop = 0 endrep until (allstop eq 0) endif if (all EQ 0) then begin FOR j=0, datasets-1 DO BEGIN thisSDS = HDF_SD_SELECT(newFileID, j) HDF_SD_GETINFO, thisSDS, NAME=thisSDSName, NATTS=numAttributes PRINTf,lun, 'Dataset No. ', STRTRIM(j,2), ': ', thisSDSName FOR k=0,numAttributes-1 DO BEGIN HDF_SD_ATTRINFO, thisSDS, k, DATA=thisData, NAME=thisAttrName PRINTf,lun, ' Data Attribute: ', thisAttrName, ' NAME: ',thisData ENDFOR PRINTf,lun, '' index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(newFileID, thisSDSName) ; Select the SDS. thisSdsID = HDF_SD_SELECT(newFileID, index) ; Print the names of the Data attributes. HDF_SD_GETINFO, thisSdsID, NATTS=numAttributes PRINTf,lun, 'Number of attributes: ', numAttributes ; Get the data. PRINTf,lun, '' PRINT, 'Reading data for ',thisSDSName HDF_SD_GETDATA, thisSdsID, newData ;if (thisSDSName NE 'DataSetHeader') then printf,lun, ' MIN/MAX ', min(newData), max(newData) if (thisSDSName EQ 'DataSetHeader') then begin s = strlen(newData) endif if (thisSDSName NE 'DataSetHeader') then printf, lun,newData else $ begin i = 0 while ( i LT s ) do begin b = strmid(newData,i,80) printf, lun,b i = i + 80 endwhile endelse PRINTf,lun, '' ENDFOR endif else begin d = 0 SEL_END = 1 REPEAT begin j = DS_SEL[D] j = j - 1 thisSDS = HDF_SD_SELECT(newFileID, j) HDF_SD_GETINFO, thisSDS, NAME=thisSDSName, NATTS=numAttributes PRINTf,lun, 'Dataset No. ', STRTRIM(j,2), ': ', thisSDSName FOR k=0,numAttributes-1 DO BEGIN HDF_SD_ATTRINFO, thisSDS, k, DATA=thisData, NAME=thisAttrName PRINTf,lun, ' Data Attribute: ', thisAttrName, ' NAME: ',thisData ENDFOR PRINTf,lun, '' index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(newFileID, thisSDSName) ; Select the SDS. thisSdsID = HDF_SD_SELECT(newFileID, index) ; Print the names of the Data attributes. HDF_SD_GETINFO, thisSdsID, NATTS=numAttributes, ndims=dims PRINTf,lun, 'Number of attributes: ', numAttributes ; Get the data. PRINTf,lun, '' PRINT, 'Reading data for ',thisSDSName HDF_SD_GETDATA, thisSdsID, newData if (thisSDSName EQ 'DataSetHeader') then begin s = strlen(newData) endif if (thisSDSName NE 'DataSetHeader') then printf, lun,newData else $ begin i = 0 while ( i LT s ) do begin b = strmid(newData,i,80) printf, lun,b i = i + 80 endwhile endelse PRINTf,lun, '' D = D + 1 if (DS_SEL[D] EQ 0) then sel_end = 0 ENDREP UNTIL (sel_end eq 0) endelse HDF_SD_END, newFileID PRINT, 'Read operation complete.' Free_Lun,lun END