Mike Thompson United States Congressman - First District of California

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Mike's Key Accomplishments in 110th Congress

Several of the bills introduced by Congressman Thompson in the 110th Congress have already been passed by the House or signed into law.

Bill Description Status
HR 234 $60.4 million in emergency relief for California and Oregon’s commercial salmon fishing industry. Read more. Signed into law.
HR 2429 Helps physicians maintain their medical practices at home while serving their country overseas in the Guard or the Armed Forces Reserve. Read more. Signed into law.
H Con Res 74 Expresses sense of the Congress around additional research for Hydrocephalus. Passed by the House.
HR 714 Improve war funding accountability by establishing reporting requirements for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq. Read more. Language from HR 714 was included in the 2007 Defense Authorization (HR 1585), which was passed by the House.
Amendment to HR 1585 Revises military command policy to prohibit service members from associating with criminal street gangs, whether on duty or at home. Read more. Passed by the House.
H Res 401 Expresses sense of the Congress supporting the goals and ideals of National Trails Day. Read more. Passed by the House.
HR 787 Iraq War De-Escalation Act, setting timeline for redeployment by March 2008. Read more. Hearing held on bill.
HR 236 Create a Bureau of Reclamation partnership with the North Bay Water Reuse Authority and other regional partners to achieve objectives relating to water supply, water quality, and environmental restoration. Hearing held on bill.
HR 1303 Passenger Bill of Rights. Read more. Language from HR 1303 was included in the FAA Authorization (HR 2881)


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110th Congress' Accomplishments

The 110th Congress has achieved a tremendous amount for the American public since January. Learn more about Congress' key accomplishments.