U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. 26th District of Texas

Committee Democratic Leadership Block Burgess Medical Justice Reform Amendment

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Washington, Jul 17 - Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas), Chair of the Congressional Health Care Caucus, released the following statement after Energy and Commerce Committee consideration of his medical liability reform amendment:

“Today too many doctors are forced to practice defensive medicine and face the constant threat of lawsuits and unsustainable medical liability insurance rates, which results in millions of dollars in unnecessary tests and procedures. This is a growing crisis that is pushing affordable health care, a priority for both Democrats and Republicans, beyond the grasp of millions of Americans.

“National, across-the-board change in the medical justice system would lower costs and improve care by lessening the threat of overzealous trial attorneys and the unmerited lawsuits they often bring about.

“Similar reform in Texas has created a magnet for doctors and provided the funding mechanism to improve access to care and enhance patient safety through significant liability savings. A few examples of the successes of the Texas reforms are:

  • Charity care rendered by Texas hospitals rose 24% in the three years following the reforms.
  • Texas has licensed 14,496 new physicians in the five-plus years since reform.
  • Thirty-three rural counties have seen a net gain in ER doctors, including 26 counties that previously had none.
  • After years of decline, the ranks of medical specialists are growing in Texas.
  • Specifically, in my field of obstetrics, Texas has experienced a net gain of 192 obstetricians. Twenty-six rural counties have added an obstetrician, including 10 counties that previously had none.

“Unfortunately, through technical maneuvering, Democrats shielded their members from taking a stand on this issue and reaffirmed their commitment to the American Trial Lawyers Association. A vote for this amendment would have sent a message to America’s patients that access to high-quality, affordable health care is indeed our goal, but Democratic leadership in the Committee decided otherwise. This fight is not over, though, and I will continue to work for American’s patients and hold the Democrats accountable.”

To learn more about Congressman Burgess’ efforts on health care, visit http://www.healthcaucus.org  r http://burgess.house.gov.

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D., is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and three of its subcommittees: Health, Energy & Environment, and Oversight & Investigations.  He is also a member of the bipartisan, bicameral Joint Economic Committee.  Prior to becoming a member of Congress in 2002, Congressman Burgess practiced medicine in North Texas for over 25 years.

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