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For Immediate Release:
July 31, 2009
Contact: Austin Durrer

House Passes Metro Resolution

  Takes Final Action to Authorize Dedicated Funding
Resolution Will Ensure Metro Receives Matching Funds from Local Jurisdictions

WASHINGTON, DC – The Members of the Washington Metro Area’s House Delegation –Reps. Steny H. Hoyer, Frank R. Wolf, James P. Moran, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Chris Van Hollen, Donna F. Edwards and Gerald E. Connolly – applauded passage of a resolution today approving the interstate WMATA Regulation Compact in accordance with legislation authorizing $1.5 billion in federal Metro funding over ten years.  The action sends the legislation to the President, who is expected to sign it into law.  Enactment will obligate Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia to match the allocation of federal funds for Metro capital and maintenance projects. Last week, the House approved the delegation request for $150 million – the full amount of this year’s authorized level.

“Passage of this resolution caps a long and coordinated effort to establish – once and for all - a dedicated funding source for the Washington Area Metro system,” stated Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD). “Metro is absolutely vital to the local economy and the federal government, and the funding authorized by this action will go a long way to ensuring the system runs safely and efficiently for years to come.”

“I am pleased that the Senate has included funding for Metro which will help to meet the needs of the Washington Metro system to ensure that it serves not only the residents and commuters of Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia, but also the millions of visitors to the capital city,” stated Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA).  “This funding is critical—now, more than ever—to carry out capital improvements and preventive maintenance and to ensure the system’s continued operation.” 

“Last month’s tragedy on the Red Line was a wake-up call that ‘America’s subway’ is aging and in need of repair,” said Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA).  “This compact will be a major boost to Metro’s ability to travel safely and efficiently into the future.”

“We couldn’t let Congress recess without approving the Metro funds we have worked long and hard to get.  Metro testified that the first funding will go for new crash-worthy cars,” stated Rep. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (D-DC).

“Today’s legislation is the final step to establish a dedicated funding stream for Metro. Working together, the federal government and local jurisdictions will make vital investments to ensure that America’s subway is safe and convenient for the region’s residents and the millions of tourists who use it every year,” stated Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD).  x

“Today’s passage of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact was the final step to provide the funding necessary to help ensure that millions of residents and visitors can travel safely and efficiently on our Metro system,” said Rep. Donna F. Edwards (D-MD).  “The tragic accident on the Red-Line in June only highlighted the critical need for this funding.  I thank my colleagues from the Washington Metro Area Delegation for working together to help move this important legislation through quickly.”  x

“This is an historic moment for our region as the federal government begins to fulfill its responsibility to help fund capital improvements for Metro,” stated Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA).  This new partnership will invest $300 million per year for 10 years into our aging subway system.  The investment could not come at a more critical time given the tragic accident of June 22 and growing evidence of the system’s critical maintenance needs.”

The authorization for dedicated Metro funding was included in the Rail Safety Improvement Act (H.R. 2095), which was passed last fall and was signed into law by President Bush.



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