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Technology Topics:

Environmental Quality Technology (EQT) Program
Sustainable Range Technologies
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)

Standardized UXO Technology Demonstration Site
Standardized UXO Technology
Demonstration Site

For more information, please contact the
Army Environmental Hotline
E-mail: Environmental Hotline
Phone: 800-USA-3845 (800-327-3845)

The Army continually works to find and field new and innovative technologies to help installations complete their environmental missions easier, faster and more cost efficiently.

Past successes for Army installations include the addition of new and innovative technologies into our cleanup program, detection and discrimination of unexploded ordnance (ammunition), air pollution control systems, hazardous waste disposal and wastewater treatment systems.

The employment of new technologies allows our installations to complete their mission, protect the environment and be a good neighbor to surrounding communities. By incorporating technologies that cost less and preserve the installation resources (land, water, air, and infrastructure), the Army can continue to support the mission of the U.S. Army, its Soldiers and their Families well into the future.

Technology implementation is a key element in the Army's Sustainability Program as evidenced by the inclusion in two of the five program goals:

  • Drive Innovation
    Use innovative technology and the principles of sustainability to meet user needs and anticipate future Army challenges.
  • Minimize Impacts and Total Ownership Costs
    Minimize impacts and total ownership costs of Army systems, materiel, facilities, and operations by integrating the principles and practices of sustainability.
Where can you find more information?
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