Throughout the year, but most especially in the summer, Sen. DeMint's D.C. office plays host to several interns looking to experience life in our nation's capital. Most hale from South Carolina, while a few trickle in from other parts of the country.

Introducing Ben Dangerfield of Aiken, S.C.:

I have been extremely interested in politics since my early high school days. Upon my arrival to college, I decided that I should be a political science major. My love for politics began to grow as I began taking many classes in political science. Prior to my junior year at Clemson University, I attended a small dinner held for Sen. Jim DeMint. His message was refreshing and convincing, so I decided I would try working for his office in the following summer.

Having received the privilege to serve the state of South Carolina and Sen. DeMint, I have learned a tremendous amount about politics in a short stint thus far. I now have a greater respect for those men and women who choose the field of politics. It is a mentally exhausting job that requires a server’s attitude and a love for one’s country, state and neighbors. Furthermore, I have enjoyed working for the senator. I feel comfortable saying that he is an extremely hard-working man. However, this is not his only great attribute. One member in the staff described him as someone you would want to have as your neighbor. This statement completely summed Sen. DeMint’s qualities up. He is a terrific Christian man that will drop anything to help those he cares for, and he sticks to his guns.

Although I have only been working here for two weeks, I have had an amazing experience. I have been assigned a wide variety of different jobs which shows the enormous amount of work that is requires in running an efficient office. I have truly enjoyed being in the Capitol where the laws of the country are being made. For one of the first times in my life, I feel that I am a part of something that is truly meaningful. The staff is excellent in what they do, and it is very gratifying knowing that we are helping people all over the great state of South Carolina. I look forward to the rest of my experience. In particular, I hope to meet some of the great politicians that love this country and have taken this burden upon themselves to serve the greatest government Earth has ever seen.