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Cool summer AIRS temperatures in U.S. Northeast

Aug 14, 2009

June and July in the U.S. Northeast are cool, compared to previous summers

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Release Notes for Giovanni

Jul 31, 2009

New release features new data fetching software, new data products

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Global Precipitation Climatology Project Version 2.1 available in TOVAS

Jul 23, 2009

New version of popular data set useful for climate and meteorological studies can be examined with online visualization and analysis tools

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Air quality and remote sensing training in Costa Rica

Jul 20, 2009

Training program at Universidad Nacional includes interactive sessions with Giovanni

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GES DISC staff presentation at international monsoon study program meeting

Jul 17, 2009

NASA data and services will help support examination of human-monsoon interactions in Asia

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Heavy spring rains follow winter drought around nation's capital

Jun 19, 2009

Spring rainfall is heavy in 2009, particularly in the city of Washington D.C.

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Air and Waste Management Conference features Giovanni demonstrations, paper

Jun 12, 2009

GES DISC scientist will present paper and give Giovanni demonstrations at NASA booth

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Giovanni included in GEO "Data Integration and Analysis System" report

Jun 09, 2009

Giovanni is featured as part of GES DISC participation in Group on Earth Observations effort

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Giovanni SeaWiFS chlorophyll analysis featured in UNESCO/IOC bulletin

Jun 08, 2009

SeaWiFS data in Giovanni augments Japanese Coast Guard monitoring of western Pacific Ocean

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Giovanni presentation for AERONET and Climate and Radiation Branch

May 18, 2009

Presentation describes Giovanni analysis capabilities for atmospheric aerosol research

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INSAM features Giovanni instances

Apr 05, 2009

INSAM, the International Society for Agricultural Meteorology, recently featured several Giovanni instances, including the new MERRA 2D and 3D instances, on their Web site.

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Chapter about NEESPI in new book

Apr 05, 2009

A chapter about the NASA NEESPI data portal appears in a new book published by Springer ...

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Environmental training at University of North Carolina

Mar 31, 2009

As the Tar Heels prepare for the NCAA Final Four, GES DISC scientist Ana Prados will be on the University of North Carolina campus April 2-3 conducting training on air quality for modelers and developers. ...

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More journal publications using Giovanni

Mar 27, 2009

Citations to more journal papers which utilized Giovanni\'s analysis and visualization capabilities have been added to the 2008 and 2009 lists of publications. ...

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GES DISC On the Agenda at Environmental Protection Agency Air Quality Conference

Feb 25, 2009

The Goddard Earth Sciences DISC will have a featured presence at the 2009 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality Conference ...

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Merged IR data animation of February 10 tornado-spawning Oklahoma storms

Feb 22, 2009

The Hurricane Data Analysis Tool provided an impressive view of a tornado-spawning storm event over Oklahoma and Texas on February 10, 2009.

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MODIS-Aqua Collection 5.1 Data now available in Giovanni

Feb 18, 2009

MODIS-Aqua Collection 5.1 data is now being received into the Giovanni system as it is being delivered from the data provider (MODAPS). ...

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Giovanni provides unique perspective on Sudden Stratospheric Warming with AIRS data

Feb 08, 2009

AIRS data in Giovanni provides a unique view of the occurrence of a Sudden Stratospheric Warming event commencing in mid-January 2009. ...

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  • Last updated: May 27, 2009 11:59 AM ET