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Congressional Hearings

A hearing is a meeting or session of a Senate, House, joint, or special committee of Congress, usually open to the public, to obtain information and opinions on proposed legislation, conduct an investigation, or evaluate/oversee the activities of a government department or the implementation of a Federal law. In addition, hearings may also be purely exploratory in nature, providing testimony and data about topics of current interest. Most congressional hearings are published two months to two years after they are held.

Not all congressional hearings are available on FDsys - GPO Access. Whether or not a hearing is disseminated on FDsys - GPO Access depends on the committee. GPO continues to add hearings irregularly as they become available during each session of Congress. If a congressional hearing is not listed in the catalog, it is not available electronically via GPO at this time.

FDsys - GPO Access contains contain selected House and Senate hearings for the 105th Congress (1997-98) forward. The House and Senate appropriations hearings for fiscal year 1998 are included. Documents are available as text and PDF. Graphics, including scanned images of camera ready copy are omitted from the ASCII text version but are contained in the PDF files. About the Congressional Hearings.