Congressman Scott Garrett Proudly Serving the 5th District Of New Jersey

Recent Vote

  • Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act motion to instruct conferees
    Mar 16, 2006  - Rep. Garrett voted for a motion to instruct conferees to support the House amendments in regard to H.R. 4297, the Tax Relief Extension Act.  The motion passed the House 222-187. More
  • Supplemental Appropriations for the Military and Hurricane Victims
    Mar 16, 2006  - H.R. 4939, emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year 2006, passed the House 348-71, along with Rep. Garrett's support. More
  • Resolution Supporting Freedom of Religion in Russia
    Mar 15, 2006  - H.Con.Res.190, expressing the sense of the Congress that the Russian Federation should fully protect the freedoms of all religious communities without distinction, whether registered and unregistered, as stipulated by the Russian Constitution and international standards, was passed by the House of&n... More
  • Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act
    Dec 8, 2005  - The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4297, the Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act, along with Congressman Garrett's support 234-197.  This bill will extend many of the tax cuts that have been responsible for continued economic growth including millions of jobs added in the past fe... More
  • United States-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
    Dec 7, 2005  - H.R. 4340 passed the House along with Rep. Garrett's support 327-95.  This bill will break down trade barriers with the Persian Gulf nation of Bahrain, who has been a great support since World War II and throughout the war on terror. More
  • Resolution Regarding Withdrawal from Iraq
    Nov 18, 2005  - H.Res. 571, expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment of United States forces in Iraq be terminated immediately, failed along with Rep. Garrett's no vote 3-403. This resolution would have expressed the sense that the military should begin to pull out of Iraq immediate... More
  • Deficit Reduction Act
    Nov 17, 2005  - Rep. Garrett voted in favor of H.R. 4241, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 which passed the House of Representatives 217-215. This bill will decrease the Federal Government Deficit by nearly $50 billion over five years. For more information on this legislation visit House Committee on the Budge... More
  • Private Property Rights Protection Act
    Nov 3, 2005  - Rep. Garrett voted for H.R. 4128 which passed the House of Representatives 376-38. This bill provides for the protection of property rights by seeking to discourage local municipalities from using eminent domain to claim private property for private development. More
  • Agriculture Appropriations Act for 2006
    Oct 28, 2005  - Rep. Garrett voted against H.R. 2744 which passed the House 318-63. The Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006 surpassed the House Committee on the Budget level of funding as passed in the Budget act passed earlier in 2005. More
  • Disapproving the recommendations of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission
    Oct 27, 2005  - Rep. Garrett voted against H.J.Res. 65, a bill to disapprove the BRAC recommendations. These recommendations include expanding activities at Picatinny Arsenal. The Resolution failed by a vote of 85-324. More