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Last updated: May 05, 2009

Michael Gill, BSEE.

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Michael Gill, BSEE. Electronics Enginee

National Library of Medicine
Communications Engineering Branch/MSC 3824
Bldg. 38A, Room 10S1014
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894 USA

(301) 435-3212 (voice)
(301) 402-0341 (fax)


Michael J. Gill is an electronics engineer with the Communications Engineering Branch of the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, a research and development division of the National Library of Medicine. His activities include the design, development, testing, evaluation and documentation of communications systems. He conducts experimental parts of Branch research programs including those involving the Next Generation Internet (NGI) and the Internet2. He represents the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on the Joint Engineering Team (JET). The JET is a multi-agency group coordinating technical issues relating to implementing the NGI. He is a member of the team evaluating the design of the NIH connection to the NGI and Internet2. His research interests include image transmission, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, satellite communications, communications systems and computer communications systems. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

Prior to joining NLM, he worked for MCI Communications in Washington, D.C., in the area of private line analog and digital telecommunications circuit design. He received the BS degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland College Park Maryland.

Current Projects

MD on Tap (MEDLINE Database on Tap): Technical team member for the project, contributing to this investigation into understanding interface design through prototyping and fielding access to Medline at the point of care.

Disk-based Lossless Digital Video Preservation: Working with Dr. Glenn Pearson investigating issues with file format selection for biomedical video preservation.

NLM Internet2 Connectivity Team: Technical team member involved in all phases of ordering, developing, implementing, testing NLM’s advanced R&D network connectivity to the Internet2 backbone (Abilene), the local Gigapop (MAX), representing NLM at the Joint (Interagency) Engineering Team monthly coordination meetings, Technical co-project officer for various (past) SII awards in OHPCC. Advising NLM on advanced telecommunication services including Internet1 and Internet2 connectivity

Advanced Communication Technology Analysis: Provides critical analysis of new and emerging communications technologies such as DWDM, POS, ATM, and fiber-optic based switching with advisement to senior management.


National Institutes of Health (NIH)National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20892

U.S. Dept. of Health and Human ServicesU.S. Dept. of Health
and Human Services

USA.gov Website