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Research Staff and Resources
Research Assistants

The economic research divisions regularly hire research assistants who have undergraduate degrees, primarily in economics, but also in related fields such as statistics, mathematics, finance, or computer science. Research assistants work closely with one of the finest economic research staffs in the world, applying quantitative skills to both real world policy issues and to high-level research projects. Accordingly, the research divisions seek applicants who have training in econometrics, mathematical statistics, or both, as well as good computer skills--for example, a facility with statistical packages such as SAS or a programming language such as C. In addition, most positions require training in economics through the intermediate theory level. Extensive coursework in mathematics is common, as is study in such areas as money and banking, finance, and international finance or trade. Typically, research assistants work at the Board for about two years before going on to graduate programs or careers in economics, business, or related disciplines.

Information on applying for a position as a Research Assistant.

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Last update: August 21, 2003