John Culberson United States Congressman John Culberson 7th District of Texas
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Congressman Culberson gets a behind the scenes tour at the M.D. Anderson Proton Therapy Center. (3/22/06)
Congressman Culberson tours the M.D. Anderson Proton Therapy Center. (3/22/06)
Congressman Culberson tours the M.D. Anderson Proton Therapy Center. (3/22/06)
Congressman Culberson speaks to Rice University researchers Dr. Naomi Halas and Dr. Jennifer West. (3/21/2006)
Congressman Culberson and the researchers from Dr. Naomi Halas' lab. (3/21/2006)
Congressman Culberson tours the Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory at Rice University. (3/21/2006)
Congressman Culberson speaks with a researcher at the Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory at Rice University. (3/21/2006)
Congressman Culberson gets a glimpse of gold nanoshells at work in the laboratory setting. (3/21/2006)
Congressman Culberson speaks to Rice University professor and researcher Dr. Naomi Halas and her students. (3/21/2006)
Congressman Culberson with Dr. James Tour, Director of the Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory at Rice University. A buckyball is displayed in the foreground. (3/21/2006)
Rice University Professor Dr. Naomi Halas and Congressman Culberson with his staff. (3/21/2006)
Congressman Culberson speaks with Tom Bartlett, Deputy Director of Operations and Maintenance at the Houston Airport System. (3/20/2006)
thumbnail image: Proton Therapy Clinicthumbnail image: Proton Therapy Centerthumbnail image: Proton Therapy Centerthumbnail image: Dr. Halas and Dr. Westthumbnail image: Rice Universitythumbnail image: Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory
thumbnail image: Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratorythumbnail image: Rice Universitythumbnail image: Dr. Naomi Halasthumbnail image: Dr. James Tourthumbnail image: Staffthumbnail image: Houston Aiport System
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