
Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior

Issue No.1460
April 20-24, 2009

Below is the weekly list of Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior. This list includes items appearing in the Federal Register during the week of April 20-24, 2009. If you have any questions or wish to receive full-text copies of any of the items on this list, please contact the Department of the Interior Library by phone at (202) 208-5815, e-mail at Library@nbc.gov, or in person or by mail at 1849 C Street, NW, MS 1151, Washington, DC 20240.

APRIL 20, 2009

1. 74 FR 17947, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, Revised Land and Resource Management Plan; Kaibab National Forest; Arizona, ACTION: Notice of Initiation to revise the Kaibab National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan.

2. 74 FR 17982, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Reclamation, Agency Information Collection; Request for Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection; Comment Request, ACTION: Notice of renewal of currently approved collection (OMB No. 1006-0015).

3. 74 FR 17983, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLES956000-L14200000-BJ0000-LXSITRST0000] Group No. 182, Wisconsin, Eastern States: Filing of Plat of Survey, ACTION: Notice of Filing of Plat of Survey; Wisconsin.

4. 74 FR 17984, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLWY-957400-09-L14200000-BJ0000-TRST], Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey, Nebraska, ACTION: Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey, Nebraska.

5. 74 FR 17984, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLES956000-L14200000-BJ0000], Group No. 16, Illinois; Eastern States: Filing of Plat of Survey, ACTION: Notice of filing of plat of survey; Illinois.

6. 74 FR 17984, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Minerals Management Service (MMS), Notice on Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Sales, ACTION: List of restricted joint bidders.

APRIL 21, 2009

7. 74 FR 18156, Rules and Regulations, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 50 CFR Part 679, [Docket No. 080310410-9585-02] RIN 0648-AW54, Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Revisions to the Pollock Trip Limit Regulations in the Gulf of Alaska, ACTION: Final rule.

8. 74 FR 18169, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS) Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, 15 CFR Part 922, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Interim Policy and Permit Guidance for Submarine Cable Projects, ACTION: Notice; Request for public comments.

9. 74 FR 18213, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Whistling Ridge Energy Project, ACTION: Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and floodplain and wetland involvement.

10. 74 FR 18248, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Geological Survey, Agency Information Collection Activity; National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (EDMAP and STATEMAP), ACTION: Notice of a new information collection.

11. 74 FR 18274, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Office of Commercial Space Transportation; Notice of Availability and Request for Comment on the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Jacksonville Aviation Authority (JAA) Launch Site Operator License at Cecil Field, Florida (FL), ACTION: Notice of availability, notice of public meeting, and request for comment.

APRIL 22, 2009

12. 74 FR 18336, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 50 CFR Part 17, [FWS-R8-ES-2008-0087; MO 92210 50083-B2], Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Tehachapi Slender Salamander (Batrachoseps stebbinsi) as Threatened or Endangered, ACTION: Notice of 90-day petition finding and initiation of status review.

13. 74 FR 18341, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 50 CFR Part 17, [FWS-R3-ES-2009-0017; 92210-1117-0000-FY09-B4] RIN 1018-AW47, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revised Critical Habitat for the Hine's Emerald Dragonfly, ACTION: Revised proposed rule; reopening of public comment period, proposal to designate additional critical habitat unit.

14. 74 FR 18348, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, Intermountain Region, Boise, Payette, and Sawtooth National Forests; ID; Amendment to the 2003 Land and Resource Management Plans: Wildlife Conservation Strategy (Forested Biological Community), ACTION: Second correction of notice of intent (NOI) to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS).

15. 74 FR 18354, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), RIN 0648-XO20, Endangered Species; File No. 13544 and No. 13573, ACTION: Issuance of permits.

16. 74 FR 18355, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), RIN 0648-X027, International Whaling Commission; 61st Annual Meeting; Announcement of Public Meetings, ACTION: Notice of meetings.

17. 74 FR 18369, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), [Project No. 12429-001--Montana], Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project; Notice of Availability of Environmental Assessment,

18. 74 FR 18374, Notices, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), [EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0186; FRL-8410-7], Clomazone and Fomesafen Registration Review Draft Ecological Risk Assessments; Notice of Availability, ACTION: Notice.

19. 74 FR 18392, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Class III Gaming, Tribal Revenue Allocation Plans, Gaming on Trust Lands, ACTION: Notice of proposed renewal of information collections under the Paperwork Reduction Act; Comment request.

20. 74 FR 18393, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Minerals Management Service (MMS), [Docket No. MMS-2009-OMM-0004], MMS Information Collection Activity: 1010-0071, Relief or Reduction in Royalty Rates: Proposed Collection; Comment Request, ACTION: Notice of extension of an information collection (1010-0071).

21. 74 FR 18394, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R4-R-2009-N0084] [41510-1261-0000-4A], Proposed Information Collection; Economic Valuation and Visitor Satisfaction Survey, Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge, ACTION: Notice; request for comments.

22. 74 FR 18396, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R1-ES-2009-N0071]; [10120-1113-0000-F5], Endangered Wildlife and Plants; Permits, ACTION: Notice of availability of applications for permits; request for comments.

23. 74 FR 18397, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Indian Gaming, ACTION: Notice of Approved Tribal-State Gaming Amendment.

24. 74 FR 18397, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Indian Gaming, ACTION: Notice of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact taking effect.

25. 74 FR 18398, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Indian Gaming, ACTION: Notice of amendment to approved Tribal-State compact.

26. 74 FR 18398, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Rate Adjustments for Indian Irrigation Projects, ACTION: Notice of rate adjustments.

27. 74 FR 18403, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R4-ES-2009-N0067; 40120-1113-0000-C2], Technical Agency Draft Recovery Plan for the Endangered St. Andrew Beach Mouse, ACTION: Notice of document availability and opening of public comment period.

28. 74 FR 18406, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (DOL) Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), Petitions for Modification, ACTION: Notice of petitions for modification of existing mandatory safety standards.

APRIL 23, 2009

29. 74 FR 18492, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 50 CFR Part 217, [Docket No. 090206146-9332-01] RIN 0648-AX32, Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Port of Anchorage Marine Terminal Redevelopment Project, ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.

30. 74 FR 18516, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 50 CFR Parts 223 and 224, [Docket No. 080229341-9330-02] RIN 0648-XF89, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Proposed Endangered, Threatened, and Not Warranted Status for Distinct Population Segments of Rockfish in Puget Sound, ACTION: Proposed rule; 12-month petition finding; request for comments.

31. 74 FR 18551, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), List of National System Marine Protected Areas, ACTION: Notice of availability of the List of National System Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and response to comments on nominations of existing MPAs to the national system.

32. 74 FR 18562, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), [Docket No.: 090416670-9679-01], Solicitation of Applications for the Native American Business Enterprise Center (NABEC) Program, ACTION: Notice.

33. 74 FR 18591, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSRME), Notice of Proposed Information Collection for 1029-0110, ACTION: Notice and request for comments.

34. 74 FR 18592, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Continuation of Visitor Services, ACTION: Public notice.

35. 74 FR 18592, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, ME; Acadia National Park Advisory Commission; Notice of Meeting,

36. 74 FR 18592, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [MT-020-1010-PO], Notice of Public Meeting, Eastern Montana Resource Advisory Council Meeting, ACTION: Notice of public meeting.

37. 74 FR 18593, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS) Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park Advisory Commission; Notice of Public Meeting, ACTION: Notice of meeting.

APRIL 24, 2009

38. 74 FR 18648, Rules and Regulations, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), 40 CFR Part 228, [EPA-R10-OW-2008-0826; FRL-8893-1], Ocean Dumping; Designation of Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Sites Offshore of the Umpqua River, Oregon, ACTION: Final rule.

39. 74 FR 18685, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, Lower Trinity Ranger District, Six Rivers National Forest, California, Trinity Summit High Country Grazing Analysis, ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement

40. 74 FR 18704, Notices, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), [ER-FRL8592-7], Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments

41. 74 FR 18705, Notices, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), [ER-FRL8592-6], Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability

42. 74 FR 18706, Notices, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), [EPA-New England Region I--EPA-R01-OW-2009-00103; FRL-8896-8], Maine Marine Sanitation Device Standard--Receipt of Petition, ACTION: Notice--Receipt of Petition

43. 74 FR 18740, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget Office of Conservation, Partnerships & Management Policy, Notice of Proposed New Information Collection for Donor Certification Form, ACTION: Notice and request for comments.

44. 74 FR 18741, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), 30-Day Notice of Intention To Request Clearance of Collection of Information; Opportunity for Public Comment, ACTION: Notice and request for comments.

45. 74 FR 18742, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R4-R-2009-N0057; 40136-1265-0000-S3], Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge, Orleans Parish, LA, ACTION: Notice of availability: draft comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment; request for comments.

46. 74 FR 18744, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R4-R-2009-N0045; 40136-1265-0000-S3], Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge, Hillsborough County, FL; Pinellas National Wildlife Refuge, Pinellas County, FL; and Passage Key National Wildlife Refuge, Manatee County, FL, ACTION: Notice of availability: draft comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment; request for comments.

47. 74 FR 18886, Proposed Rules, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), 40 CFR Chapter 1, [EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0171; FRL-8895-5] RIN 2060-ZA14, Proposed Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act, Part III, ACTION: Proposed rule.

48. 74 FR 18975, Presidential Documents, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Proclamation 8364 of April 22, 2009, Title 3-- The President Earth Day, 2009 By the President of the United States of America, Part V, A Proclamation

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Last Updated on 4/24/09

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