
Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior

Issue No.1458
April 6-10, 2009

Below is the weekly list of Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior. This list includes items appearing in the Federal Register during the week of April 6-10, 2009. If you have any questions or wish to receive full-text copies of any of the items on this list, please contact the Department of the Interior Library by phone at (202) 208-5815, e-mail at Library@nbc.gov, or in person or by mail at 1849 C Street, NW, MS 1151, Washington, DC 20240.

APRIL 6, 2009

1. 74 FR 15394, Rules and Regulations, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 50 CFR Part 21, [FWS-R9-MB-2008-0109; 91200-1231-9BPP] RIN 1018-AW11, Migratory Bird Permits; Revision of Expiration Dates for Double-Crested Cormorant Depredation Orders, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Final rule; availability of final environmental assessment.

2. 74 FR 15431, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), [Docket No. APHIS-2009-0019], Notice of Request for Extension of Approval of an Information Collection; Peer Reviewer's Certification Regarding Conflict of Interest, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Extension of approval of an information collection; comment request.

3. 74 FR 15458, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Basic Requirements for Special Exemption Permits and Authorizations To Take, Import, and Export Marine Mammals, Threatened and Endangered Species, and for Maintaining a Captive Marine Mammal Inventory Under the Marine Mammal Protection, the Fur Seal, and the Endangered Species Acts, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Notice.

4. 74 FR 15516, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R8-ES-2009-N0020; 81430-1121-8GEN-F3], Proposed Safe Harbor Agreement for the Deane Dana Friendship Community Regional Park in Los Angeles County, CA, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Notice of availability.

5. 74 FR 15517, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, [LLUT070 L13200000 EL0000 24 1A00], Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Leasing and Underground Mining of the Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract, Sanpete and Sevier Counties, UT, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Notice of availability.

6. 74 FR 15518, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLNML00000 L19200000.ET0000; NMNM 117830], Correction to Public Land Order No. 7724; Withdrawal of Public Land for Customs and Border Protection; New Mexico, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Correction to Public Land Order.

7. 74 FR 15518, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [AZ-320-08-1220-PN-1000-241A; 8340], Extension of a Temporary Off-Highway Vehicle Restriction, Bureau of Land Management, Colorado River District, Yuma Field Office, Arizona, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Notice.

8. 74 FR 15518, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLORV00000-L10200000.DD0000; HAG 9-0138], Notice of Meeting, John Day/Snake Advisory Council, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Notice of Public Meeting.

9. 74 FR 15519, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [L10200000-MJ0000-LLORL00000; HAG 09-0133], Notice of Meeting, Southeast Oregon Resource Advisory Council (Oregon), Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Notice of public meeting.

10. 74 FR 15519, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [L16100000.DO0000 LLCOS05000 L.X.SS.048C0000], Notice of Public Meetings, Southwest Colorado Resource Advisory Council Meetings, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Notice of public meetings.

11. 74 FR 15519, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [UTU 13113], Opening of National Forest System Land; Utah, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Notice of Realty Action.

12. 74 FR 15527, Notices, SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (SEC), [File No. 500-1], In the Matter of Aegis Consumer Funding Group, Inc. APS Holding Corp. Childrobics, Inc. Churchill Technology, Inc. Complete Management, Inc. Dakota Mining Corp. Digital Communications Technology Corp. Global Intellicom, Inc. Horn Silver Mines, Inc. TCC Industries, Inc. and Tenney Engineering, Inc.; Order of Suspension of Trading, Monday, April 6, 2009, FEDERAL REGISTER Vol. 74, No. 064

13. 74 FR 15575, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Highway in Washington, Monday, April 6, 2009, ACTION: Notice of limitation on claims for judicial review of actions by FHWA and other Federal agencies.

APRIL 7, 2009

14. 74 FR 15673, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Natural Resources and Environment Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), 7 CFR Part 610, State Technical Committees, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Standard operating procedures for State Technical Committees.

15. 74 FR 15691, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, Willow Creek Pass Fuel Reduction Project, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS).

16. 74 FR 15699, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), RIN 0648-XO43, Marine Mammals; File No. 881-1724, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Notice; issuance of permit amendment.

17. 74 FR 15718, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) Western Area Power Administration DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Rural Utility Service (RUS), Proposed PrairieWinds Project, South Dakota, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and to Conduct Scoping Meetings; Notice of Floodplain and Wetlands Involvement.

18. 74 FR 15742, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), 60-Day Notice of Intention To Request Clearance of Collection of Information; Opportunity for Public Comment, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Notice and request for comments.

19. 74 FR 15743, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R9-FHC-2008-N0328; 94300-1124-0000-T5], Coastal Barrier Resources System Digital Mapping Pilot Project, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments.

20. 74 FR 15747, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Final General Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement, Governors Island National Monument, New York, NY. Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Notice of availability.

21. 74 FR 15747, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Reclamation, Nimbus Hatchery Fish Passage Project, Lower American River, California, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) and notice of public scoping meetings.

22. 74 FR 15748, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [ES-956-1420-BJ], Florida; Eastern States: Filing of Supplemental Plat of Survey, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Notice of Filing of Supplemental Plat; Florida.

23. 74 FR 15749, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLCONO134-09-L17110000-AL0000-241A], Notice of Public Meetings, McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area Advisory Council Meeting, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Announcement of meetings.

24. 74 FR 15749, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [AK-963-1410-FQ; F-14223], Notice of Correction to Public Land Order Number 7692, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Notice of correction.

25. 74 FR 15749, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLNML00000 L14300000.ES0000; NMNM 119204], Correction to Recreation and Public Purposes (R&PP) Act Classification; Dona Ana County, NM, Tuesday, April 7, 2009, ACTION: Correction notice.

APRIL 8, 2009

26. 74 FR 15854, Rules and Regulations, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (DHS) United States Coast Guard (USCG), 33 CFR Part 165, [Docket No. USCG-2008-0752] RIN 1625-AA87, Security Zone; West Basin, Port Canaveral Harbor, Cape Canaveral, FL, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Final rule.

27. 74 FR 15869, Rules and Regulations, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), 40 CFR Part 180, [EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0167; FRL-8407-8], Thiamethoxam; Pesticide Tolerances, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Final rule.

28. 74 FR 15876, Rules and Regulations, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), 40 CFR Part 180, [EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0361; FRL-8406-8], Cyhalofopbutyl; Pesticide Tolerances, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Final rule.

29. 74 FR 15913, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Consolidated Farm Service Agency (CFSA), Information Collection; Conservation Reserve Program Hunting and Wildlife, Viewing, Other Recreation, Revenue Survey, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice; request for comments.

30. 74 FR 15913, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC), Funding Opportunity Title: Commodity Partnerships for Small Agricultural Risk Management Education Sessions (Commodity Partnerships Small Sessions Program), Wednesday, April 8, 2009.

31. 74 FR 15941, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Notice of Intent To Conduct Restoration Planning To Evaluate Potential Injuries to Natural Resources and Services Resulting From the Discharge of Oil From the Tank Barge (T/B) DBL 152 in the Gulf of Mexico, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice of Intent to Conduct Restoration Planning to evaluate potential injuries to natural resources and services resulting from the discharge of oil from the Tank Barge (T/B) DBL 152 in the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA also seeks public involvement in the restoration planning for this oil spill.

32. 74 FR 15984, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (HHS) Office of Human Development Services Administration on Aging, Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Annual Reporting Requirements for the Older Americans Act Title VI Grant Program, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice.

33. 74 FR 16001, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R6-ES-2009-N0047; 60120-1113-0000-D2], Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Permits, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice of receipt of applications for permits.

34. 74 FR 16002, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R4-R-2009-N0041; 40136-1265-0000-S3], St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge, Franklin and Gulf Counties, FL, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare a comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment; request for comments.

35. 74 FR 16003, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Geological Survey, Agency Information Collection Activity; Mineral Resources External Research Program (MRERP), Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice of a new information collection.

36. 74 FR 16003, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Geological Survey, Agency Information Collection Activities: National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP), Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice of a new information collection.

37. 74 FR 16004, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Geological Survey, Agency Information Collection Activity; Evaluation of USGS Southwest Biological Science Center Biennial Conferences, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice; request for comments.

38. 74 FR 16005, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Geological Survey, National Geospatial Advisory Committee; Meeting, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice of meeting.

39. 74 FR 16005, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Designation of Potential Wilderness as Wilderness, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, CO, Wednesday, April 8, 2009,

40. 74 FR 16006, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Environmental Impact Statement/General Management Plan; Channel Islands National Park, Ventura County, California; Notice of Intent To Expand Scope of the Environmental Impact Statement, Wednesday, April 8, 2009.

41. 74 FR 16007, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Monocacy National Battlefield, Maryland, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice of Availability, Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the General Management Plan, Monocacy National Battlefield.

42. 74 FR 16007, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Reclamation, Cle Elum Dam Fish Passage Facilities and Fish Re-Introduction Project; Kittitas County, WA, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.

43. 74 FR 16009, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Reclamation, Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG), Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice of public meeting.

44. 74 FR 16035, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Highway in California, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Notice of Limitation on Claims for Judicial Review of Actions by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), pursuant to 23 USC 327.

45. 74 FR 16040, Rules and Regulations, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 10 CFR Part 430, [Docket Number: EERE-2006-STD-0127] RIN 1904-AB49, Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Certain Consumer Products (Dishwashers, Dehumidifiers, Microwave Ovens, and Electric and Gas Kitchen Ranges and Ovens) and for Certain Commercial and Industrial Equipment (Commercial Clothes Washers), Part II, Wednesday, April 8, 2009, ACTION: Final rule.

APRIL 9, 2009

46 74 FR 16162, Proposed Rules, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), 40 CFR Part 300, [EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0062, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0063, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0064, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0065, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0066, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0067, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0068, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0069, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0071, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0072, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0073, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0074, EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0075; FRL-8790-2] RIN 2050-AD75, National Priorities List, Proposed Rule No. 50, ACTION: Proposed rule.

47. 74 FR 16169, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 50 CFR Part 17, [FWS-R8-ES-2008-0045; MO 922105 0083-B2], Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a Petition to List the San Francisco Bay-Delta Population of the Long-fin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) as Endangered, ACTION: Notice of 12-month petition finding.

48. 74 FR 16188, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) Department of the Army (DA) United States Army Corps of Engineers, Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/EIR) for the Aliso Creek, Orange County, CA, ACTION: Notice of intent.

49. 74 FR 16188, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) Department of the Army (DA) United States Army Corps of Engineers, Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Town of Nags Head, Beach Nourishment Project in Dare County, NC, ACTION: Notice of intent.

50. 74 FR 16199, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), [Project No. 2503-136], Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC; Notice of Application for Amendment of License and Soliciting Comments, Motions To Intervene, and Protests,

51. 74 FR 16230, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, Central Utah Project Completion Act, ACTION: Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Assessment for the Wasatch County Water Efficiency Recycled Water Project.

52. 74 FR 16230, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R4-ES-2009-N0032]; [40120-1113-0000-C4], Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 5-Year Status Reviews of 13 Southeastern Plant Species, ACTION: Notice of initiation of reviews; request for information.

53. 74 FR 16232, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R2-ES-2009-N0059; 20124-11130000-C2], Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Recovery Plan for the Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus amarus), ACTION: Notice of document availability: draft amendment and supplement to the 2007 Draft revised recovery plan for Rio Grande Silvery Minnow.

54. 74 FR 16233, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Reclamation, Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Advisory Council, ACTION: Notice of public meeting.

55. 74 FR 16234, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (DOJ), Notice of Lodging of Proposed Settlement Agreement Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA),

56. 74 FR 16237, Notices, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (NRC), [NRC-2009-0157], Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed General Electric--Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment Uranium Enrichment Facility, ACTION: Notice of Intent (NOI).

57. 74 FR 16255, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Houston, TX and To Conduct Public Scoping Meetings, ACTION: Notice of Intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) and to conduct public scoping meetings.

58. 74 FR 16256, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Highway in California, ACTION: Notice of Limitation on Claims for Judicial Review of Actions by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).

APRIL 10, 2009

59. 74 FR 16339, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 50 CFR Part 20, [FWS-R9-MB-2009-0124; 91200-1231-9BPP-L2] RIN 1018-AW31, Migratory Bird Hunting; Proposed 2009-10 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations (Preliminary) With Requests for Indian Tribal Proposals and Requests for 2010 Spring and Summer Migratory Bird Subsistence Harvest Proposals in Alaska, ACTION: Proposed rule; availability of supplemental information.

60. 74 FR 16349, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, Information Collection; Request for Comment; National Visitor Use Monitoring, ACTION: Notice; request for comment.

61. 74 FR 16350, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, Information Collection; Land Management Agency Volunteer Surveys, ACTION: Notice; request for comment.

62. 74 FR 16351, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, Bend/Fort Rock Ranger District; Deschutes National Forest; Oregon; Lava Rock OHV System, ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.

63. 74 FR 16377, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), [Docket Nos. IC09-500-000 and IC09-505-000], Commission Information Collection Activities (FERC-500 and FERC-505); Comment Request; Extensions, ACTION: Notice of proposed information collections and request for comments.

64. 74 FR 16382, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), [Docket No. CP09-61-000], Texas Eastern Transmission, LP 671701; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Kosciusko Project and Request for Comments on Environmental Issues.

65. 74 FR 16389, Notices, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), [ER-FRL-8592-3], Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments,

66. 74 FR 16415, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Office of Civil Rights, Proposed Renewal of Information Collection: OMB Control Number 1091-0001, Applicant Background Survey, ACTION: Notice and request for comments.

67. 74 FR 16416, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Office of the Secretary of the Interior, Proposed Renewal of Information Collection: OMB Control Number 1094-0001, Alternatives Process in Hydro-power Licensing, ACTION: Notice and request for comments.

68. 74 FR 16417, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Office of the Secretary of the Interior, Invasive Species Advisory Committee, ACTION: Notice of public meetings of the Invasive Species Advisory Committee.

69. 74 FR 16418, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Environmental Impact Statement for the Renewed Application for the Proposed Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians Fee-to-Trust Acquisition and Casino-Hotel Project, San Bernardino County, CA, ACTION: Notice of Correction; Republication and Correction.

70. 74 FR 16418, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the General Management Plan (DEIS/GMP); Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site, ACTION: Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the General Management Plan (DEIS/GMP), Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site.

71. 74 FR 16419, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Long Walk National Historic Trail Feasibility Study, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, National Trails System--Intermountain Region, NM, ACTION: Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Long Walk National Historic Trail Feasibility Study,

72. 74 FR 16419, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Availability for the Record of Decision on the Final General Management Plan/Wilderness Study/Environmental Impact Statement, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, MI, ACTION: Notice of Availability for the Record of Decision on the Final General Management Plan/Wilderness Study/Environmental Impact Statement, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan.

73. 74 FR 16420, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Reclamation, Quarterly Status Report of Water Service, Repayment, and Other Water-Related Contract Negotiations, ACTION: Notice.

74. 74 FR 16430, Notices, UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGENCY (ICDA) Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended; Systems of Records Notice, ACTION: Notice to add Privacy Act system of records notice for the Federal Personnel Payroll System (FPPS) and Datamart.

75. 74 FR 16440, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Notice of Final Federal Actions on the Kosciuszko Bridge (Interstate 278) Over Newtown Creek, Kings and Queens Counties, NY, ACTION: Notice of limitation on claims for judicial review of actions by FHWA and other Federal agencies.

76. 74 FR 16442, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Membership Availability in the National Parks Overflights Advisory Group Aviation Rulemaking Committee, ACTION: Notice.

77. 74 FR 16448, Proposed Rules, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), 40 CFR Parts 86, 87, 89, 90, 94, 98, 600, 1033, 1039, 1042, 1045, 1048, 1051, 1054, and 1065, [EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0508; FRL-8782-1] RIN 2060-A079, Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases, Part II, ACTION: Proposed rule.

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