
Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior

Issue No.1454
March 9-13, 2009

Below is the weekly list of Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior. This list includes items appearing in the Federal Register during the week of March 9-13, 2009. If you have any questions or wish to receive full-text copies of any of the items on this list, please contact the Department of the Interior Library by phone at (202) 208-5815, e-mail at Library@nbc.gov, or in person or by mail at 1849 C Street, NW, MS 1151, Washington, DC 20240.

MARCH 9, 2009

1. 74 FR 9958, Rules and Regulations, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), 40 CFR Part 60, [R08-WY-2008-0001; FRL-8770-2], New Source Performance Standards; Supplemental Delegation of Authority to the State of Wyoming, ACTION: Delegation of authority; technical amendment.

2. 74 FR 9981, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, Umatilla National Forest, Pomeroy Ranger District, Pomeroy, WA; South George Vegetation and Fuels Management Project, ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.

3. 74 FR 10034, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), RIN 0648-XN21, Endangered Species; File No. 14272, ACTION: Notice; receipt of application.

4. 74 FR 10035, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), RIN 0648-XN81, Marine Mammals; File No. 14341, ACTION: Notice; receipt of application.

5. 74 FR 10035, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), RIN 0648-XN25, Whaling Provisions; Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Quotas, ACTION: Notification of quota for bowhead whales.

6. 74 FR 10057, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (HHS) National Institutes of Health (NIH), Proposed Collection; Comment Request; REDS-II Donor Iron Status Evaluation (RISE) Study.

7. 74 FR 10060, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R4-ES-2009-N0037; 40120-1112-0000-F5], Receipt of Applications for Endangered Species Permits, ACTION: Notice.

8. 74 FR 10062, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R4-ES-2009-N0044; 40120-1112-0000-F5], Receipt of Applications for Endangered Species Permits, ACTION: Notice.

9. 74 FR 10064, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R9-FHC-2008-N0058; 94300-1122-0000-Z2], Wind Turbine Guidelines Advisory Committee; Announcement of Public Meeting, ACTION: Notice of public meeting.

10. 74 FR 10065, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R8-ES-2009-N0017; 81420-1113-0000-F3], Safe Harbor Agreement for East Bay Municipal Utility District Lands in San Joaquin, Amador, and Calaveras Counties, California, ACTION: Notice of availability; receipt of application and proposed safe harbor agreement.

11. 74 FR 10066, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), 60-Day Notice of Intention to Request Clearance of Collection of Information; Opportunity for Public Comment, ACTION: Notice and request for comments.

12. 74 FR 10066, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Intent to Repatriate Cultural Items: American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, ACTION: Notice.

13. 74 FR 10071, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), National Register of Historic Places; Weekly Listing of Historic Properties.

MARCH 10, 2009

14. 74 FR 10211, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 50 CFR Part 17, [FWS-R8-ES-2008-0078; 92210-1117-0000-B4] RIN 1018-AV03, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for Cirsium loncholepis (La Graciosa thistle), ACTION: Proposed rule; reopening of comment period, notice of availability of draft economic analysis, and amended required determinations.

15. 74 FR 10221, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), [Docket No. APHIS-2008-0139], Notice of Request for Approval of an Information Collection; APHIS Ag-Discovery Program, ACTION: New information collection; comment request.

16. 74 FR 10225, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative, ACTION: Notice of request for proposals; request for public comment.

17. 74 FR 10243, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) Department of the Navy, Notice of Revised Record of Decision for Hawaii Range Complex, ACTION: Notice.

18. 74 FR 10262, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Office of Acquisition and Property Management - DOI, Office of the Secretary; Renewal of Information Collection: OMB Control Number 1084-0010, Claim for Relocation Payments--Residential, DI-381 and Claim for Relocation Payments--Nonresidential, DI-382, ACTION: Notice and request for comments.

19. 74 FR 10263, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [F-40256, F-40257, F-40258; AK-964-1410-KC-P], Alaska Native Claims Selection, ACTION: Notice of decision approving lands for conveyance.

20. 74 FR 10264, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [WY-923-1310-FI; WYW153609], Wyoming: Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease, ACTION: Notice of proposed reinstatement of terminated oil and gas lease.

21. 74 FR 10264, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [WY-923-1310-FI; WYW154408], Wyoming: Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease, ACTION: Notice of proposed reinstatement of terminated oil and gas lease.

22. 74 FR 10264, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [WY-923-1310-FI; WYW173883], Wyoming: Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease, ACTION: Notice of proposed reinstatement of terminated oil and gas lease.

23. 74 FR 10265, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLUT922000 L13100000 FI000 257A], Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Leases, Utah, ACTION: Notice of proposed reinstatement of terminated oil and gas lease, Utah.

24. 74 FR 10265, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLAKA01300-14300000.ER0000; AA-091143], Notice of Realty Action: Recreation and Public Purposes Lease, Anchorage, AK.

25. 74 FR 10265, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Minerals Management Service (MMS), [Docket No. MMS-2008-MRM-0031], Agency Information Collection Activities: Submitted for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request, ACTION: Notice of an extension of a currently approved information collection (OMB Control Number 1010-0136).

26. 74 FR 10275, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSRME), Notice of Proposed Information Collection for 1029-0061, ACTION: Notice and request for comments.

27. 74 FR 10275, Notices, UNITED STATES-MEXICO INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY AND WATER COMMISSION - UNITED STATES SECTION, United States Section; Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Improvements to the Rio Grande Rectification Project in El Paso and Hudspeth Counties, TX, ACTION: Notice of Availability of Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

28. 74 FR 10350, Rules and Regulations, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 50 CFR Part 17, [FWS-R4-ES-2008-0047; 92210-1117-0000-B4] RIN 1018-AV52, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Louisiana Black Bear (Ursus americanus luteolus), Part II, ACTION: Final rule.

29. 74 FR 10412, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 50 CFR Part 17, [FWS-R1-ES-2009-0010; 92210-1117-000-B4] RIN 1018-AV87, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Oregon Chub (Oregonichthys crameri), Part III, ACTION: Proposed rule.

MARCH 11, 2009

30. 74 FR 10529, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, Big Grizzly Fuels Reduction and Forest Health Project, Eldorado National Forest, Placer County, CA, ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.

31. 74 FR 10550, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) International Trade Administration (ITA), Notice and Call for Applications for the Executive Trade Mission to Libya and Algeria for the Period November 4-8, 2009, ACTION: Notice and call for applications for the Executive Trade Mission to Libya and Algeria for the period November 4-8, 2009.

32. 74 FR 10556, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), RIN: 0648-XN97, North Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings, ACTION: Notice of public meetings.

33. 74 FR 10605, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Office of the Chief Information Officer, [Docket No. FR-5291-N-02], Privacy Act of 1974; Notice of a Computer Matching Program Between the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Social Security Administration (SSA): Matching Tenant Data in Assisted Housing Programs, ACTION: Notice of a computer matching program between HUD and SSA.

34. 74 FR 10608, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R2-ES-2009-N0026;20124-1113-0000-F3], Environmental Restoration Project; Phoenix Reach of the Rio Salado, ACTION: Notice of availability of draft safe harbor agreement; receipt of application for and enhancement of survival permit.

35. 74 FR 10609, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Proposed Collection of Information; Comment Request, ACTION: Notice.

36. 74 FR 10609, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [F-21901-33, F-21901-34, F-21901-35, F-21901-71, F-21904-39, F-21904-40, F-21904-42, F-21904-43, F-21904-44, F-21904-46, F-21904-47, F-21904-48, F-21904-76, F-21904-77, F-21904-78, F-21904-83, F-21904-93, F-21905-18, F-21905-62, F-21905-74, F-21905-76, F-21905-77, F-21905-78, F-21905-79; AK-964-1410-KC-P], Alaska Native Claims Selection, ACTION: Notice of decision approving lands for conveyance.

37. 74 FR 10610, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLCAC00000-L07770900-XZ0000], Meeting of the Central California Resource Advisory Council Off-Highway Vehicle Subcommittee, ACTION: Notice of public meeting.

38. 74 FR 10610, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLMTC03000-L10200000-PK0000], Notice of Public Meeting, Dakotas Resource Advisory Council Meeting, ACTION: Notice of public meeting.

39. 74 FR 10611, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Final Environmental Impact Statement/Comprehensive Management Plan: Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail, Hawaii County, HI; Notice of Approval of Record of Decision.

40. 74 FR 10611, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Environmental Impact Statement/General Management Plan; Kalaupapa National Historical Park, Kalawao County, Molokai, HI; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.

41. 74 FR 10612, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Final Environmental Impact Statement; Wetland and Creek Restoration at Big Lagoon Golden Gate National Recreation Area; Marin County, California; Notice of Approval of Record of Decision.

42. 74 FR 10613, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Intent To Prepare a General Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for Buffalo National River, Arkansas, ACTION: Notice of Intent to Prepare a General Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for Buffalo National River, Arkansas.

43. 74 FR 10613, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Intent to Repatriate a Cultural Item: San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego, CA, ACTION: Notice.

MARCH 12, 2009

44. 74 FR 10673, Rules and Regulations, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Natural Resources and Environment Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), 7 CFR Part 636, RIN 0578-AA49, Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program Correction, ACTION: Interim final rule; correction and extension of comment period.

45. 74 FR 10674, Rules and Regulations, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), 7 CFR Part 1466, RIN 0578-AA45, Environmental Quality Incentives Program Correction, ACTION: Interim final rule; correction; extension of comment period.

46. 74 FR 10700, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, 36 CFR Part 251, RIN 0596-AC87, Management of National Forest System Surface Resources With Privately Held Mineral Estates, ACTION: Proposed rule; reopening of public comment period.

47. 74 FR 10701, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 50 CFR Part 17, [FWS-R2-ES-2009-0014] [92210-1117-0000-B4] RIN 1018-AT52, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for Roswell springsnail (Pyrgulopsis roswellensis), Koster's springsnail (Juturnia kosteri), Noel's amphipod (Gammarus desperatus), and Pecos assiminea (Assiminea pecos), ACTION: Proposed rule; reopening of public comment period.

48. 74 FR 10707, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), [Docket No. APHIS-2009-0008], Availability of an Environmental Assessment for a Biological Control Agent for Russian Knapweed, ACTION: Notice of availability and request for comments.

49. 74 FR 10710, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Forest Service, National Tree-Marking Paint Committee Meeting, ACTION: Notice of meeting.

50. 74 FR 10710, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBS), Inviting Applications for Rural Business Opportunity Grants, ACTION: Notice.

51. 74 FR 10724, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), RIN 0648-XN86, Notice of Decision to Expand Scope of the Environmental Impact Statement Analyzing Mitchell Act Funding and Operation of Columbia River Hatcheries, ACTION: Notice; request for comments.

52. 74 FR 10729, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), [Docket No. CP09-22-000], Atmos Pipeline and Storage, LLC; Notice of Availability of the Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Fort Necessity Gas Storage Project.

53. 74 FR 10735, Notices, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), [FRL-8775-7], Partnership To Promote Innovation in Environmental Practice, Notice of Availability of Solicitation for Proposals for 2009 Assistance Agreement Award, ACTION: Notice.

54. 74 FR 10744, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (HHS) Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request.

55. 74 FR 10753, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R8-R-2009-N0034; 81640-1265-0000-S3], Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, San Francisco County, CA, ACTION: Notice of availability of draft comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment for Farallon National Wildlife Refuge; reopening of comment period.

56. 74 FR 10754, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLWY-957400-09-L14200000-BJ0000], Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey, Wyoming, ACTION: Notice of filing of plats of survey, Wyoming.

57. 74 FR 10754, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [LLWY-957400-09-L14200000-BJ0000], Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey, Nebraska, ACTION: Notice of filing of plats of survey, Nebraska.

58. 74 FR 10754, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Intent to Repatriate Cultural Items: County of Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches, TX, ACTION: Notice.

59. 74 FR 10755, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Intent to Repatriate Cultural Items: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii National Park, HI, ACTION: Notice.

60. 74 FR 10756, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Intent to Repatriate Cultural Items: San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego, CA; Correction, ACTION: Notice; correction.

61. 74 FR 10757, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Coronado National Forest, Tucson, AZ and Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, ACTION: Notice.

62. 74 FR 10757, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: Museum of Peoples and Cultures, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, ACTION: Notice.

63. 74 FR 10758, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion for Native American Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects from Pima, Santa Cruz and Cochise Counties in the Control of the Coronado National Forest, United States Forest Service, Tucson, AZ; Correction, ACTION: Notice; correction.

64. 74 FR 10759, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion for Native American Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects in the Possession of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Correction, ACTION: Notice; correction.

65. 74 FR 10760, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, Utah State Office, Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake City, UT and Utah Museum of Natural History, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, ACTION: Notice.

66. 74 FR 10761, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of Defense, Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, Portland, OR and University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History, Eugene, OR, ACTION: Notice.

67. 74 FR 10762, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains Regional Office, Aberdeen, SD, ACTION: Notice.

68. 74 FR 10763, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: County of Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches, TX, ACTION: Notice.

69. 74 FR 10764, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: Northwest Museum, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA, ACTION: Notice.

70. 74 FR 10765, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: Oregon State University, Department of Anthropology, Corvallis, OR, ACTION: Notice.

71. 74 FR 10766, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, San Juan Island National Historical Park, Friday Harbor, WA and Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; Correction, ACTION: Notice; correction.

72. 74 FR 10767, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, Utah State Office of the Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake City, UT; Museum of Peoples and Cultures, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT; College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum, Price, UT; Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum, Blanding, UT; Utah Museum of Natural History, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; and Anthropology Museum at Washington State University, Pullman, WA, ACTION: Notice.

73. 74 FR 10771, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, Utah State Office, Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake City, UT and Utah Museum of Natural History, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, ACTION: Notice.

74. 74 FR 10772, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Intent to Repatriate Cultural Items: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains Regional Office, Aberdeen, SD, ACTION: Notice.

75. 74 FR 10773, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Intent to Repatriate Cultural Items: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Coronado National Forest, Tucson, AZ and Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, ACTION: Notice.

76. 74 FR 10774, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), Notice of Intent to Repatriate Cultural Items: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, San Juan Island National Historical Park, Friday Harbor, WA and Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; Correction, ACTION: Notice; correction.

77. 74 FR 10779, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (DOL) Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), Proposed Information Collection Request; Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations; Roof Control Plan, ACTION: Notice.

78. 74 FR 10781, Notices, NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA), Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments, ACTION: Notice of availability of proposed records schedules; request for comments.

79. 74 FR 10785, Notices, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (NRC), [Docket No. 030-36482; NRC-2009-0108], Notice of Availability of Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Amendment of Byproduct Materials License No. 24-32439-01, for Unrestricted Release of a Facility in Creve Coeur, MO, ACTION: Issuance of Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for License Amendment.

80. 74 FR 10802, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Highway in California, ACTION: Notice of limitation on claims for judicial review of actions by the FHWA and other Federal agencies.

81. 74 FR 10802, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Highway in North Carolina, ACTION: Notice of limitation on claims for judicial review of actions by FHWA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and other Federal agencies.

MARCH 13, 2009

82. 74 FR 10811, Rules and Regulations, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (NRC), 10 CFR Part 63, RIN 3150-AH68 [NRC-2005-0011], Implementation of a Dose Standard After 10,000 Years, ACTION: Final rule.

83. 74 FR 10857, Proposed Rules, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 50 CFR Part 223, [Docket No. 080229343-81352-02] RIN 0648-XF87, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Proposed Threatened Status for Southern Distinct Population Segment of Eulachon, ACTION: Proposed rule; 12-month petition finding; request for comments.

84. 74 FR 10892, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC) International Trade Administration (ITA), Mission Statement, ACTION: Notice.

85. 74 FR 10896, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) Department of the Army (DA) United States Army Corps of Engineers, The Release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and the Announcement of a Public Hearing for the Proposed Construction of the Western Wake Regional Wastewater Management Facilities, Which Includes Regional Wastewater Pumping, Conveyance, Treatment, and Discharge Facilities To Serve the Towns of Apex, Cary, Holly Springs and Morrisville, as Well as the Wake County Portion of Research Triangle Park (Service Area), NC, ACTION: Notice.

86. 74 FR 10897, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) Department of the Army (DA) United States Army Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army; Notice of Solicitation for Estuary Habitat Restoration Program, ACTION: Notice of solicitation for project applications.

87. 74 FR 10911, Notices, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), [EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0182; FRL-8406-7], Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee; Notice of Public Meetings, ACTION: Notice.

88. 74 FR 10920, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (HHS) Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Request for Public Comment Concerning Requirements for Transferring Children From the Placement and Care Responsibility of a State Title IV-E Agency to a Tribal Title IV-E Agency and Tribal Share of Title IV-E Administration and Training Expenditures, ACTION: Request for Public Comment and Tribal Consultation Meetings.

89. 74 FR 10959, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), [FWS-R9-IA-2009-N0053; 96300-1671-0000-P5], Receipt of Applications for Permit, ACTION: Notice of receipt of applications for permit.

90. 74 FR 10960, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [AA-8104; AK-965-1410-KC-P], Alaska Native Claims Selection, ACTION: Notice of decision approving lands for conveyance.

91. 74 FR 10961, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM), [F-14862-A, F-14862-A2; AK-965-1410-KC-P], Alaska Native Claims Selection, ACTION: Notice of decision approving lands for conveyance.

92. 74 FR 10961, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), National Register of Historic Places; Weekly Listing of Historic Properties.

93. 74 FR 10962, Notices, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) National Park Service (NPS), National Register of Historic Places; Notification of Pending Nominations

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Last Updated on 3/13/09

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