United States Senator Tom Coburn
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July 11, 2007

Rep. Castle and others certainly should reveal earmarks to taxpayers

News Journal (Wilmington, DE)

Rep. Mike Castle told a telephone conference audience this week that he is considering disclosing his earmark requests.

That's mighty fine of him, considering that it's taxpayer money he wants to give away.

All three members of the Delaware congressional delegation make a practice of not supplying the names of people or organizations they want to give government money to.

No doubt many of these organizations do good work. But that's not the point. Earmarks are specifically designated funds attached to the federal budget. They are outside the normal give-and-take of congressional debate. They are presented anonymously. In addition, they often come as a surprise to taxpayers, the people that must pay the bills.

Tuesday's news account quoted Mr. Castle as saying: "We may have to change our procedures as far as the future is concerned." There should be no "may" about it.