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Issue: Transportation

Rep. John Hall Announces Effort to Replace I-84 Bridge over Dingle Ridge Road
May 8, 2009
- Hall Declares Push for $8 Million in Transportation Bill for Bridge Repair -
Southeast, NY – Standing below the structurally deficient 50 year-old Interstate 84 bridge running over Dingle Ridge Road today, U.S. Rep. John Hall (D-Dover) announced that he will fight to secure almost $8 million in this year's Transportation Bill to replace the bridge. Last year, Hall toured deficient bridges in the Hudson Valley to see first-hand what repairs needed to be made and how the problems were affecting commuters.
"We can see clearly the structural problems inherent in the I-84 bridge," said Congressman Hall. "The tragic bridge collapse in Minneapolis was a wakeup call that we can no longer afford to take our bridges and roads for granted.  We must invest in these vital arteries of transportation and commerce to keep those who travel on them safe. Our roads and bridges carry food and retail goods, mail and people going to and from work every day.  We must make sure that our roads and bridges are safe."

Congressman John Hall with Stan Gee, Executive Deputy Commissioner of NYS DOT at the I-84 bridge over Dingle Ridge Road.
The 50-year-old Interstate 84 travels east-west through New York between Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.  Deficiencies in the bridge are plainly visible.  The substructure and steel beams that support the bridge have been rated in poor condition.
Congressman Hall will be working in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit on which he serves to ensure that Hudson Valley priorities are represented in the Transportation bill, legislation authorized by Congress every five years that provides billions in infrastructure funding to rebuild America's roads, bridges, rail and transit systems.
"We in Congress have a historic opportunity to overhaul and revitalize our transportation policy so that it meets the triple challenges of  improving mobility, promoting energy efficiency, and preventing climate change," said Congressman Hall. "I'm very excited to be on the Highways and Transit Subcommittee, working on these issues and finding solutions to help the Hudson Valley, and all of New York, meet the challenges of the coming decade."