Labor Hearings and Testimony
Testimony of Nicole Akins Boyd at August 5 Autism Hearing

Testimony of Joshua Cobbs at August 5 Autism Hearing

Testimony of Geraldine Dawson at August 5 Autism Hearing

Testimony of Doctor Thomas Insel at August 5 Autism Hearing

Testimony of David Miller at August 5 Autism Hearing

Testimony from July 6 Field Hearing on Cancer Research

Testimony of HHS Secretary Sebelius at June 9 Hearing

Testimony of Education Secretary Arne Duncan at June 3 Hearing

Testimony of NIH Acting Director Raynard Kingston at May 21 Hearing

Testimony of John Niederhuber of NIH at May 21 Hearing

Testimony of Elizabeth Nabel at May 21 Hearing

Testimony of Anthony Fauci of NIH at May 21 Hearing

Testimony of Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis at May 13 Hearing

Testimony of Patti Miller of Children Now at Sept. 23 Hearing on Food Marketing to Children

Testimony of Marva Smalls of MTV at the Sept. 23 Hearing on Food Marketing to Children

Testimony of Marc Firestone of Kraft Foods at the Sept 23 Hearing on Food Marketing to Children

Testimony of FTC Commisioner Jon Leibowitz at the Sept. 23 Hearing on Food Marketing to Children

Testimony of FCC Chairman Kevin Martin at Sept. 23 Hearing on Food Marketing to Children

Testimony of Dr. Michael McGinnis of the Institute of Medicine at the Sept 23 Hearing on Food Marketing to Children

Testimony of CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding at the Sept. 23 Hearing on Food Marketing to Children

Testimony of Dr John E Niederhuber at the July 16 NIH Hearing

Testimony of Dr Francis S Collins at the July 16 NIH Hearing

Testimony of Dr Elizabeth G Nabel at the July 16 NIH Hearing

Testimony of Dr Elias A Zerhouni at the July 16 NIH Hearing

Testimony of Dr Anthony S Fauci at the July 16 NIH Hearing

Listen to the NIH Hearing from July 16 2008

Listen to the June 26 Labor H Full Committee Markup

Listen to the June 24 Labor HHS Subcommittee Markup

Testimony of Labor Secretary Elaine L Chao at the May 7 Labor Subcommittee Hearing

Audio from May 7 Hearing Featuring Labor Secretary Elaine Chao

Watch the April 2nd Labor HHS Hearing

Testimony of National Labor Relations Board Member Wilma B Liebman at the April 2 Labor Subcommittee Hearing

Testimony of National Labor Relations Board Chairman Peter C Schaumber at the April 2 Labor Subcommittee Hearing

Testimony of John N Raudabaugh at the April 2 Labor Subcommittee Hearing

Testimony of Dr Gordon Lafer at the April 2 Labor Subcommittee Hearing

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