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Update Notes

MEPS-HC - Health Insurance Coverage Series, 2005-2006

Update number #7: 06/19/09

Tables affected: Table 1.a through 5.a Health insurance coverage of the civilian noninstitutionalized population, United States, 2005-2006. Total number of tables affected: 10.

Issue: The previously released set of tables contained estimates limited to persons who were in scope for the full year.

Action taken: The estimates have been revised to include persons not in scope for the full year and are based on the period of eligibility.

State-Level Medical Expenditures Series

Update number #6: 01/06/09

A correction has been made to tables 1 through 4 in the State-Level Medical Expenditures series for years 2003 through 2005. These new estimates are based upon revised state-specific sample weights. The weights were revised in December 2008 to improve the estimation of sampling variances and are now available at the AHRQ Data Center. The 2006 State-Level Medical Expenditures series is based on these revised weights.

Expenditures by Medical Condition Table 4

Update number #5: 03/14/08

A correction has been made to Table 4 in the Expenditures by Medical Condition series, for years 1996 through 2005. TRICARE source of payments are now included correctly with private insurance. Before this correction, TRICARE source of payments were included with other source of payments. If you have used this data prior to March 14, 2008, please refer to these tables for the corrected data.

Prescribed Drugs/Therapeutic Classes Summary Data Tables

Update number #4: 03/05/08

The prescribed drugs by total expenditure and by total purchases have been separated into two individual tables (table numbers 1.1 - 1.2). The therapeutic classes by total expenditure and by total purchases have been separated into two individual tables (table numbers 2.1 - 2.2).

Access to Care Summary Data Tables

Update number #3: 03/05/08

The 2002 through 2004 table 3 series provides the percent of families in which a member was unable or delayed in receiving needed medical care, dental care, or prescription medications. Starting with the 2005 data the table 3 series will no longer be provided. The table 4 series data provides the percent of persons unable or delayed in receiving needed medical care, dental care, or prescription medications.

Projected Household Expendtiures

Update number #2: 01/25/08

The 1996 through 2008 projected health care expenditures from the MEPS Household Component, previously posted on this Web site, are out-of-date and have been removed from the site. Research efforts are underway to produce new health care expenditure projections through 2016 based on data from the 2002 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey aligned with the 2002 National Health Expenditure Accounts (from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). Interim results are currently available and can be obtained upon a request to the MEPS Project Director.

Projected expenditure data files and tabular results, based on the final population projections from the Census Bureau should be available in the near future.

MEPS-HC - Health Insurance Coverage Series, all of 2005

Update number #1: 07/25/07

Tables affected: Table 1.a through 5.a Health insurance coverage of the civilian noninstitutionalized population, United States, all of 2005. Total number of tables affected: 5.

Issue: Tables have been updated using the full-year 2005 final weight.

Action taken: The tables have been replaced on the MEPS Web site. Each year, tables using the full-year preliminary weight will be posted in May. In July of that same year, preliminary full-year health insurance estimates will be replaced by health insurance estimates generated using the full-year final weight.
