Provide Information

Inform the requester that in many cases the costs of testing may have to be borne by the requester or the inmate. Costs can vary depending on the number of samples that need to be tested, the number of different tests conducted, and the pricing policies of the individual laboratory ultimately selected to perform the tests.

Inform the requester that, depending on the jurisdiction and the crime, DNA testing may have the negative consequence of identifying the inmate as a perpetrator of other crimes because his or her DNA testing results will be placed in a statewide and nationwide DNA criminal identification databank, or the profile may be checked against data already stored in such databanks. Also, DNA testing that further confirms an inmate's guilt may have an adverse effect on a parole board if the inmate has been consistently denying his guilt, and may preclude executive clemency or other relief sought on other grounds.

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United States Department of Justice