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Rule and Implementation Information for the Polyether
Polyols Production


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Rule Information Technical Information Implementation Information

Rule Information

Proposed and Promulgated Rules

Subpart PPP - National Emission Standards for Polyether Polyols Production

Date Citation Action Description File Download
7/1/04 69FR39862 CFR Correction National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories: PPP CFR Correction
7/6/00 65 FR 41594 Withdrawl EPA is withdrawing an amendment from the 5/8/00 direct final rule for the Polyether Polyols Production NESHAP. The amendment being withdrawn deals with the definition of equipment leaks in the Petroleum Refineries NESHAP. The withdrawl of the amendment from the direct final rule only affectes sources subject to the Petroleum Refineries NESHAP.
06/14/99 64 FR 31895 Correction Correct to page 29457, second column, Sec. 63.1427(e)(2), Equation 11
06/01/99 64 FR 29419 Final Rule NESHAP: Polyether Polyols Production
03/09/99 64 FR 11559 Proposed Rule NESHAP: Polymer and Resin Production Facilities (Group I and IV) and Polyether Polyols Production
11/12/97 62 FR 60674 Proposed Rules Comment Period Extension
10/20/97 62 FR 54410 Proposed Rules Corrects Errors in Preamble & Regulatory Text
9/4/97 62 FR 46818 Proposed Rules Original Proposal

NOTE:  All files are Government Printing Office (GPO) files unless otherwise indicated.

Settlements  (no files currently available)

Closely Related Rules, Policies or Program Guidance

3/96 Polyether Polyols Production Presumptive MACT (P-MACT)

Other (no files currently available)


Technical Information

Background Information Document(BID)/Response to comments

5/97 Polyether Polyols Production BID for Proposed Standards    (WPD format)
5/97 Economic Impact Analyis (EIA) for the Proposed Polyether Polyols NESHAP (EPA-453/R-97-013)    (WPD format)
5/99 Polyether Polyols Production BID for Final Rule - Summary of Public Comments (EPA-453/R-99-002b)

Questions and Answers

1/01 Q&A - When is the NOCS and first Semiannual report due for Subpart PPP and are records for the first 150 days of operation included in the semiannual report?

FACT Sheets

5/5/97 FACT SHEET - Technical - Proposed Rule
8/15/97 FACT SHEET - Technical - Proposed Rule
5/12/99 FACT SHEET - Press Release - Final Rule

Risk Assessment Information  (no files currently available)


Implementation Information

Implementation Documents

9/00 Implementation Document for the Polyether Polyols Production NESHAP (40 CFR 63, Subpart PPP) (EPA-456/R-00-002).    (WPD format)

Source Identification and Location Information

1996 U.S. Facilities Producing Polyether Polyols [Facility List]    (WPD format)

Outreach and Training Materials  (no files currently available)

Permitting Information  (no files currently available)

Compliance and Enforcement Information

11/12/99 Response from EPA Region VI to DuPont Packaging and Industrial Polymers - Request for Compliance Extension, Equipment Leaks with the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart PPP for Polyether Polyols Production.

Applicability Determination Index (ADI).  The ADI is maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) and provides a data base of memoranda dealing with applicability issues.  The database is searchable by Subpart.

State Programs

The Environmental Council of the States.   Exit EPA disclaimer   The website provides state delegation information for environmental programs. To view delegation information for a specific state or for a specific program, go to http://www.sso.org. To see delegation information for the Clean Air Act specifically, go to http://www.sso.org/ecos/states/statutes/caa.htm.


Compliance Assistance Centers.  EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) has created several compliance assistance centers which may be valuable to industry in obtaining regulatory and compliance information. This link goes to the main compliance assistance center webpage which lists all centers currently available with a brief description of what type of information the center provides.
Organic Chemical Industry and Plastic Resins/Man-Made Fibers Industry Sector Notebooks.  Sector notebooks contain multimedia information (air, water, and land pollutant release data) for a specific industry.   Search results indicate that these sector notebooks may contain information on Subpart PPP.


Exit EPA disclaimer   NOTE:  Most links on this page are pointers to other hosts and locations in the Internet. This information is provided as a service; however the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not endorse, approve or otherwise support these sites.

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