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Updated 1 December, 2003

Request for Information and Statement of Interest
Solicitations for Research on Innovative Climate Change Technologies


Announcement for Federal Business Opportunities







November 19, 2002

In response to the President's commitment of the United States to develop a sensible, science-based approach to the issue of climate change, facilitate progress toward achieving climate change goals, near-term and long-term, and implement the President's National Climate Change Technology Initiative, the U.S. Department of Energy is considering funding research, through a series of competitive solicitations, aimed at exploring concepts, technologies and technical approaches that could, if successful, contribute in significant ways to: (a) future reductions in or avoidances of greenhouse gas emissions; (b) greenhouse gas capture and sequestration (permanent storage); (c) capture and conversion of greenhouse gases to beneficial use; or (d) enhanced monitoring and measurement of greenhouse gas emissions, inventories and fluxes in a variety of settings.�


With respect to the issue of climate change, greenhouse gases are gases that, when emitted to and concentrated in the Earth's atmosphere, may contribute to climate change.� The most important of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) that arise from human activities is carbon dioxide (CO2), resulting mainly from the oxidation of carbon-containing fuels, materials or feedstocks; cement manufacture; or other chemical or industrial processes.� Other sources of GHGs include methane from waste landfills, mining, agricultural production, and natural gas systems; nitrous oxide (N2O) from industrial and agricultural activities; fluorine-containing halogenated substances (e.g., HFCs, PFCs); sulfur hexafluoride (SF6); and other GHGs from industrial sources.� Gases falling under the purview of the Montreal Protocol are excluded.� For further information on greenhouse gases and sources, see: Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, 1990-1999, (EPA 236-R-01-001), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.�

Policy Context

On June 11, 2001, and on February 14, 2002, in two policy addresses on the issue of climate change, the President reaffirmed America's commitment to work within the United Nations framework to develop a flexible, science-based approach for addressing this issue.� The President's approach includes a climate change science and research initiative, the results of which are expected to reduce uncertainty and guide and pace future actions.� It also includes a climate change technology component, the National Climate Change Technology Initiative, the R&D elements of which are expected accelerate the development of future climate change technology options and reduce their costs.� The President's overall approach, which includes elements beyond climate change science and technology, has two goals.� The nearer-term goal is focused on reducing by 18 percent by the year 2012 greenhouse gas intensity of the U.S. economy, that is, the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by the United States per unit (in constant dollars) of U.S. gross domestic output.� The longer-term goal is for the United States to do its part in meeting the central goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, approved by the U.S. Senate and signed by President George H. W. Bush in 1992, which is to achieve"stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in Earth's atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system."� For further information of the U.S. climate change policy, see references and web-links below.

Competitive Solicitation and Criteria

If pursued, the competitive solicitation program for the National Climate Change Initiative would involve the award of tens of millions of dollars in research grants or other forms of financial assistance for research over multiple years.� If pursued, the competitive solicitation would be open to all proposers in order to encourage the broadest possible participation.� All proposals would be subject to merit review by peer evaluation.� Renewal of awards would be possible, contingent upon research progress and continuing technological potential.� Awards would be made on the basis of merit, as measured against published criteria, likely to include: relevance to climate change goals and research objectives, technical merit, and quality of the research team, including institutional support, as may be appropriate.�


This announcement is not a Request for Proposals and shall not be construed as a commitment by the Government to award a contract or contracts at this time.�

Request for Information

Interested parties are invited to submit a Statement of Interest of no more than five pages.� This Statement would: (a) indicate the party's interest in participating in such a solicitation, should it be pursued, and include the party's name, telephone number, mailing and email addresses; (b) outline briefly a specific idea, concept, technology or technical approach that may meet the goals and criteria outlined above; and (c) provide information concerning the party's ability to perform the research services required, which may include qualifications of leading members of the research team and information on the availability of research equipment and facilities needed to complete the work.

Submission Date

Submissions shall be received or post-marked not later than January 31, 2003.� Submissions of ideas or concepts will be treated with confidentially and used only as a basis for formulating a future solicitation.� Elaborate or lengthy submissions (longer than five pages) are not welcome.� Any information provided beyond that requested will not be reviewed.� All submissions meeting these stipulations will be reviewed, but no replies will be forthcoming.

Submission Address

Interested parties may submit the requested information and Statement of Interest by email to: ; or by regular mail to: Climate Change Technology Program Office, Office of Policy and International Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC� 20585.� Future information about this or other potential solicitations will be posted on the DOE Business Opportunities Page, FedBizOpps, and the DOE home page.

References (with links to Internet web sites)

The President's major policy addresses on climate change, including information on near- and long-term climate change goals:

Department of Energy R&D Program Office Web Sites, including information on climate change-related research activities:

DOE National Laboratory Web Sites, links to Climate Change Technology R&D

DOC/NIST/NOAA Web Sites, Related to Climate Change Technology


U.S. Climate Change Technology Program, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585. Tel: +1 202 586 0070. Email: Web: Webmaster:
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