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MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS)

Campaign Summary Information


Campaign Details
Name: Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aricraft Measurements for Satellites
Dates: 10 July - 03 August 2001
Location: Eastern USA & Atlantic Ocean
Principal Investigators: Dr. Remer (NASA GSFC)
Additional Sensors: RC-10 (12" CIR), AVIRIS, CLS, AirMISR, S-HIS
Objective: To combine long term ocean spectral surface observations with satellite and aircraft measurments to enhance our knowledge of ocean surface reflections and aerosols.

Processing Information
Flights Processed: 11 of 11
Total Flight Tracks:
Total Scanlines:
Level-1B Version: #1
Calibration Type: Final
Calibration Version: CLAMS_01 1.0
Temperature Adjustment: None
Status: Level-1B Data in HDF format is available.

Spectral Information
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Files

Note: MAS spectral band locations for the visible and SWIR channels (Bands 1-25) are offset from specifications, please review the Spectral Information carefully.

Level-1B Data Distribution
Langley Research Center (LaRC)
NASA GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data Center
NASA Distributive Active Archive Centers (DAACs)

CLAMS Missions
Click on a Track Map to view a particular mission
July 2001
09 Jul 2001
Flight: 01-100
12 Jul 2001
Flight: 01-101
13 Jul 2001
Flight: 01-102
15 Jul 2001
Flight: 01-103
17 Jul 2001
Flight: 01-104
20 Jul 2001
Flight: 01-105
21 Jul 2001
Flight: 01-106
30 Jul 2001
Flight: 01-107
31 Jul 2001
Flight: 01-108
August 2001
01 Aug 2001
Flight: 01-109
02 Aug 2001
Flight: 01-110
Related Web Sites
Official CLAMS Home Page
AVIRIS Home Page
AirMISR Home Page
S-HIS Home Page
NASA Suborbital Science Program

+MAS Home


Sample Image
Click image for full resolution
Flight: 01-104, Track: #09
Chesapeake Bay Mouth
Click to load the full resolution image Flight: Direction Indicator
R: 2.15µm
G: 1.64µm
B: 0.55µm