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» Rejection of 'Earmarks' Angers Democrats, November 07, 2003
Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (Md.), the House's second-ranking Democrat, hoped to use funds from a $138 billion spending bill now before Congress to upgrade the computer system at St. Mary's College of Maryland, modernize laboratories at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, and support a nonprofit group that repairs the homes of poor, elderly and disabled Marylanders...
» Podesta seeks to rival Heritage, AEI, November 06, 2003
John Podesta briefed the House Democratic whip team yesterday on his vision for a progressive think tank that would rival the likes of the conservative Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute...
» Dems angry over GOP relations in the House, November 05, 2003
Enraged House Democrats say that bipartisan relations in the House — especially regarding joint House-Senate conferences — have reached an all-time low, far worse than when they controlled Congress for 40 years...
» Don’t Take Civility Out of the House Appropriations Panel, November 05, 2003
When I came to Washington, one of the first lawmakers I met was Rep. George Mahon (D), a tall, taciturn Texan who was chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. I was awed...
» For Senate, It’s Nov. 21 or Bust, November 05, 2003
Senate leaders told rank-and-file Members on Tuesday that the Veterans Day holiday has been canceled and a five-day workweek would be instituted for the remainder of the session, as Nov. 21 has now been officially identified as the new target day for adjournment...
» Partisan rancor stalls forests bill, November 05, 2003
Republicans are accusing Senate Democrats of using "a new tool of obstruction" to stall legislation designed to prevent the kinds of wildfires that devastated Southern California last month...
» Senate Republicans Weighing New Tactics to Advance Bills to Conference, November 04, 2003
Escalating a partisan dispute, Senate Republicans said Tuesday they are weighing procedural tactics to override Democratic efforts to prevent two bills from advancing to House-Senate conferences...
» One Year Out: No Time To Waste on Election Reform Funding, November 03, 2003
One year ago on Oct. 29, President Bush signed the most sweeping electoral reform legislation into law since the Voting Rights Act of 1965...
» House Races - Hoyer: Dems Poised For Gains In '04 Election Environment, October 31, 2003
House Minority Whip Hoyer this afternoon predicted next year's elections would be less dominated by security issues than the 2002 elections, and Democrats could win the House in 2004 if they get the political wind Republicans received in 1994...
» Transportation - Democrats Reiterate Their Vow To Fight FAA Bill, October 30, 2003
House Democratic leaders and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee members today reiterated their vow to fight the FAA reauthorization bill when it comes to the floor.
» US Congress Resumes Negotiations On $60 Bln FAA Bill, October 30, 2003
WASHINGTON -- U.S. House and Senate negotiators reopened talks Wednesday on the four-year, $60 billion reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration...
» US House passes aviation bill as Democrats object, October 30, 2003
WASHINGTON, Oct 30 (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives approved a $60 billion aviation bill on Thursday after Democrats fought a losing battle to preserve a proposed ban on the expansion of air traffic privatization...
» As Congress Readies To Recess, GOP Agenda's Stuck In Neutral, October 29, 2003
It's not just Red Sox and Cubs fans who are shouting, "Wait till next year!" So are Republicans in Congress...
» Election Overhaul Sponsors Press Bush to Support Full Funding to States This Year, October 29, 2003
Sponsors of the 2002 election overhaul are pressuring President Bush to actively support their effort to get states all the money Congress promised to meet the law's new standards...
» Obey letter seeks deal with Regula, October 28, 2003
Rep. David Obey (D-Wis.) sent a highly personal letter to his “friend” Rep. Ralph Regula (R-Ohio) Friday, offering to ease the tension over the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education spending bill...
» Transportation - Privatization Language Likely To Be Stripped From FAA Bill, October 28, 2003
The FAA reauthorization will likely be sent back to a House-Senate conference committee tonight, potentially paving the way for Republicans to strip language from the bill that allows privatization of some air traffic control workers...
» Senate approves additional $1 billion to overhaul election system, October 24, 2003
Intent on avoiding a repeat of the 2000 presidential election debacle, the Senate has added $1 billion to the president's request for funds to carry out improvements in the national voting system...
» Foes Hope to Block Bush Plan for Limiting Detailees in Congress, October 23, 2003
T wo area House members said yesterday they would offer an amendment to block the Bush administration from tightening control over government employees assigned to work in Congress...
» Locked Out of Conferences, Democrats Start to Retaliate, October 23, 2003
Democrats frustrated about being excluded from final negotiations on energy and Medicare legislation are striking back by blocking less prominent bills and accusing the GOP of abusing its majority power...
» Focus on ‘Home Front’, October 22, 2003
Seeking to score late-round political points as Republicans struggle to find an exit strategy, Congressional Democrats are mounting a four-week offensive to bring attention to what they say is the failure of President Bush and the GOP to address key domestic concerns.
» GOP Trying to Snuff Out Iraqi Loans Idea, October 22, 2003
The White House predicted Wednesday that a final $87 billion measure for Iraq and Afghanistan won't make the Iraqi rebuilding aid a loan, despite signs of continued support for the idea in Congress.
» Bait-and-Switch on Public Education, October 21, 2003
Congressional Republicans are nervous about a G.O.P. poll that shows them losing ground over education.
» Democrats Riled by GOP's Efforts To Cut Deals on Air Privatization, October 18, 2003
Nearly three months after House and Senate conferees hurriedly agreed to a four-year, $59.2 billion reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the legislation is still mired in a largely partisan dispute over privatization of airport control towers.
» House votes for Syria sanctions, October 16, 2003
The House voted yesterday to impose sanctions on Syria that would prohibit it from buying dual-use technology and that could restrict diplomatic and economic ties until the nation ends its weapons programs and ties to terrorism.
» House committee approves $87 billion for Iraq, Afghanistan, October 09, 2003
A House committee handed a victory to President Bush on Thursday by approving nearly $87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan and fending off lawmakers who wanted Iraq to eventually repay some of the aid.


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