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Architecture & Infrastructure Committee
Architecture & Infrastructure Committee Documents
The Architecture and Infrastructure Committee (AIC), of the Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council, develops policy, direction, and guidance in concert with the Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office (FEA PMO) to drive business process improvement, investment management, and technical decisions. The partnership of the AIC and the FEA PMO is designed to further the development and implementation of the FEA. The purpose of the AIC is to support the CIO Council’s mission for a Federal government that is transparent and responsive in servicing citizens and business needs and agile in meeting critical mission requirements. The AIC will lead efforts to enable and support government agencies and their business partners to effectively architect, invest, and implement solutions to improve the performance of government. The results of this work will be documented and demonstrated by improved performance in terms of both mission outcomes and operational efficiency.
The AIC will support the CIO Council Mission and the AIC’s goals by:
• Providing guidance to agencies on how they can align their enterprise architectures to the FEA;
• Facilitating cross-agency development and implementation of shared services though avenues such as the Chief Architects Forum (CAF) and CORE.Gov, the Shared Services Web Portal;
• Implementing and providing guidance on data management strategies; and
• Providing a mechanism that allows modifications to be made to the FEA reference models and the capital planning and investment control process to create greater synergy between technology push cycles and market pull cycles to support a performance-based framework
The AIC has established four working subcommittees to execute its goals and objectives. These subcommittees are the Governance Subcommittee, the Services Subcommittee, the Data Architecture Subcommittee, and the Emerging Technology Subcommittee. The subcommittees of the AIC play a significant role in assisting the CIO Council with jointly achieving collaborative efforts between the CIO Council, Federal Agencies, and the Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office (FEA PMO).
Activities: The AIC has been a high-impact committee since its inception and will continue to pursue activities that advance the practice of EA. Some highlights of recent activities are listed below.
• Provided support for the IPv6 transition process and continue to lead efforts in support of the FEA PMO to ensure federal agency implementation by 2008.
• Provided sponsorship and support for over 50 “Collaborative Expedition Workshops” focused on topics such as multiple taxonomies, software components development, reuse, and management, intelligent information use in manufacturing, and semantic technology tools and applications.
• Supported the development and coordinated feedback on the Data Reference Model (DRM) v2.0 (including Testing and Management Strategy).
• Developed and implemented an effective Reference Model Maintenance Process (RMMP) to assist with the maintenance, revision, and implementation of the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) reference models.
• Assisted in the redesign of the portal and examining its integration with other registries and repositories.
• Published and updated future versions of the Service Component-Based Architectures paper to reflect changes to the Service Component Reference Model and Technical Reference Model, and the Solutions Development Life Cycle.
• Developed a process whereby the emerging technology life cycle can be more efficiently and effectively managed on a Government-wide basis.
• Developed and provided recommendations to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on prospective revisions to OMB Circular A-130.
• Developed and implemented an effective Reference Model Maintenance Process (RMMP) to assist with the maintenance, revision, and implementation of the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) reference models.
• Assisted in the redesign of the portal and examining its integration with other registries and repositories.
• Establishing a unifying framework for enterprise transformation or a metamodel that will allow for more detailed architectures that aid in decision-making.
• Provided oversight for the development of an Information Security Architecture Profile.
• Developed and completed the Records Management Profile.
• Created and provided support for the Geospatial Profile.
The purpose of the Data Architecture Subcommittee is to advance the management of Federal data as a valued national asset that supports the business of the Federal Government.  This will be accomplished by stewardship of the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Data Reference Model (DRM), FEA DRM Management Strategy, and other emerging FEA DRM documents, promotion of the use and improvement of data and data standards across the Federal Government and; the facilitation of community collaboration and information sharing within and among communities of interests, both federal and intergovernmental. 
 Data Architecture Subcommittee Co-Chairs:
 Suzanne Acar, Department of the Interior
 Phone: 202-208-3216
 Adrian Gardner, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
 Phone: 301-713-1360
The purpose of the Emerging Technology Subcommittee is to develop processes and procedures that support the discovery and assessment of maturing technology offerings responsive to E-government goals. The goals are to: (1) create greater synergy between technology push cycles and market pull cycles in order to support a performance-based framework for innovation prototyping and adoption; and (2) provide a scalable, robust process to respond to the rapidly increasing number of proponent offerings, while accelerating the discovery, creation, validation, and maturation of FEA aligned technologies most likely to yield strategic contributions. The Subcommittee will employ mechanisms for interacting with industry that create value and mitigate risks for all parties.
 Emerging Technology Subcommittee Co-Chairs:
 Dr. Richard Spivack
 Phone: (301) 975-5063
 Susan Turnbull, General Services Administration
 Phone: 202-501-6214
The Governance Subcommittee provides policy guidance, and advice and assistance in the definition, design and implementation of Enterprise Architecture (EA) discipline and practice throughout the Federal Government. The Subcommittee serves as a focal point for the development and coordination of Federal government-wide policy, guidance, including best practices for EA development and implementation. The Subcommittee establishes common terminology definitions, frameworks, and practical guidance for use by Federal agencies to effectively implement and sustain EA.
 Governance Subcommittee Co-Chairs:
 Darren Ash, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
 Phone: 301-415-7443
 John Sullivan, Environmental Protection Agency
 Phone: 202-566-0328
The Services Subcommittee will analyze the principles and patterns of Shared Services and Service Oriented Architecture, and develop communications collateral and architectural assets to advance the goal of resource rationalization across the Federal IT Portfolio by using shared services.  The purpose of the Subcommittee is to understand the dynamics associated with designing and deploying Shared Solutions and Services and, in particular, composite applications using Service Oriented Architecture technologies and standards.  In addition the Services Subcommittee will recommend solutions to the deployment, governance, performance, and program challenges involved with Shared Services, and will promote the sharing of reusable components through CORE.Gov.
 Services Subcommittee Co-Chairs:
 Daniel Risacher, Office of the Secretary of Defense
 Phone: 703-602-1098
 George Thomas, General Services Administration
 Phone: 202-219-1979
The Technology Infrastructure Subcommittee Co-Chairs:
 Cita Furlani, National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Phone: 301-975-6478
 Bobbie Stempfley, Defense Information Systems Agency
 Phone: 703-607-6406
Advisory Communities
The Chief Architects Forum (CAF) is an advisory body that supports the AIC.  The Forum is a partnership with the AIC, where Chief Architects can collaborate, share lessons learned, and can request and give assistance to their colleagues with specific strategic, management and operational enterprise architecture (EA) challenges. The Forum serves as a formal mechanism for the voice of the Chief Architect community to be heard by the AIC leadership, CIO Council and Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The input from CAF also assists the AIC in providing policy guidance, and advice and assistance in the definition, design and implementation of the Enterprise Architecture (EA) discipline and practice throughout the Federal Government.
Anyone wishing to participate in the AIC or to be added to the AIC membership list should contact AIC support staff, Stephanie Powers at 901-324-3477 (direct) or

  Mr. Sanjeev Bhagowalia
  Chief Information Officer
 Department of the Interior
 1849 C Street, NW
Room 7457
 Washington, DC 20240
 Office Phone: 202-208-6194
 Fax: 202-501-2360
  Mr. Michael W. Carleton
  Chief Information Officer
 Department of Health & Human Services
 200 Independence Avenue, SW
Hubert Humphrey Building, Room 537H
 Washington, DC 20201
 Office Phone: 202-690-6162
 Fax: 202-690-8715
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