USGS - science for a changing world

Biology - Contaminant Biology Program

Passive Samplers: Membrane Devices as Exposure Surrogates

Knowledge of the types and amounts of biologically available trace contaminants in the environment is a fundamental part of assessing the overall quality of ecosystems and critical habitats. Unfortunately, this key information is often unavailable because of the transient nature of chemical spills, pesticide applications, and effluent discharges, and the limited ability to detect very low levels of environmental contaminants. USGS researchers have developed a suite of passive samplers to use in these situations. Examples of such technologies include semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs), polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS), stabilized liquid membrane devices (SLMDs).

Information from USGS biology research about passive samplers and their use for monitoring:

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In the Spotlight

POCIS in riverUSGS Scientist David Alvarez has developed the Polar Organic Chemical Integrated Sampler (POCIS), a device that can measure very low concentrations of contaminants in water. USGS deployed the device in the Tinkers Creek Study, Ohio, May 2006. To learn more, read the full article from the Department of the Interior's news magazine About People, land, and Water -

USGS Tests New Technology in Ohio Streams for Detecting Pharmaceuticals, Other Low-Level Contaminants

Additional Resources

ITRC (Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council). 2005. Technology Overview of Passive Sampler Technologies. DSP-4. Washington, D.C.: Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council, Authoring Team. Download the Document. (954 KB, PDF)






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