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Press Releases by Date

Press Releases

08.07.09Nelson: Shinseki Focused on Addressing Omaha VA Deficiencies
08.04.09Column: Health Care Reform is Within Reach
08.03.09Nelson: Judge Sotomayor's Record Shows Respect for the Law
07.31.09Nelson Statement on Deborah Gilg Nomination
07.31.09Nelson Spokesman on Ads Running in Nebraska
07.30.09Nelson Resolution Honors Nation's Direct Support Professionals
07.30.09Nelson: Over $3.6 Million in Stimulus for Nebraska Low Income Housing
07.30.09Nelson: Senate Approves National Funding Keeping Nebraska Road and Bridge Projects on Schedule
07.28.09Nelson: Over $5.1 Million in Stimulus for Nebraska Cops
07.28.09Nelson: $147,800 in Stimulus Funds For Rural Projects
07.28.09Senators Express Concern Over Livestock Disaster Assistance Rules
07.24.09Nelson: Defense Bill Addresses Military Suicides, Health Care, Op Airlift, Benchmarks, Voting
07.23.09Nelson Statement on Military Overseas Voter Empowerment Act
07.23.09Nelson Statement Concerning President's Press Conference on Health Care
07.17.09Senators Send Letter to Senate Leaders Urging Bipartisanship in Health Care Reform
07.16.09Nelson: More Than $1.7 Million in Stimulus Funds for Omaha and Lincoln Community Development
07.16.09Senator Nelson Statement on Health Care Meeting at the White House
07.14.09Nelson Calls on USDA to Assist in Cattle Depopulation
07.14.09Nelson: More Than $1.7 Million in Stimulus Funds for Energy Efficiency Rebates
07.10.09Nelson: $12 Million in Stimulus Funds For Nebraska Energy Programs