Jim DeMint
U.S. Senator, South Carolina
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Senator DeMint has introduced A Roadmap for America’s Future, a comprehensive reform proposal that addresses the unsustainable path of government spending. 

Originally introduced by Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, this plan encourages work, savings, investment, and competitiveness by simplifying the Federal tax code. 

Since the tax code is entwined in our health care system, by restructuring it, the Roadmap ensures that all Americans would have access to an affordable health plan that best meets their needs.  

Additionally, this plan offers real solutions to the economic crisis facing our nation’s entitlement programs:  Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.  

The Roadmap is the all-inclusive approach that outlines real reforms for achieving long-term solutions to the spending problems facing our nation today. 

For more information on the Roadmap for America’s Future, visit http://www.americanroadmap.org/

Office Locations
112 Custom House
200 East Bay St
Charleston, SC 29401
P: 843-727-4525
F: 843-722-4923
1901 Main St
Suite 1475
Columbia, SC 29201
P: 803-771-6112
F: 803-771-6455
105 North Spring St
Suite 109
Greenville, SC 29601
P: 864-233-5366
F: 864-271-8901
Washington, D.C.
340 Russell
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
P: 202-224-6121
F: 202-228-5143
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