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Issue: Energy

Hall and Mercury Solar Systems Announce 100,000 New Jobs Will be Created in New York by Landmark Energy Legislation
July 7, 2009

- Bill Will Begin America's New Clean Energy Economy, Create Economic Opportunities for Future Generations-

Mt. Kisco, NY – Standing outside the Boys and Girls Club of Northern Westchester's new solar roof with children who will now have a chance at a safer, cleaner and healthier world, U.S. Rep. John Hall (D-Dover) announced that more than 100,000 new clean energy jobs are expected to be created by major comprehensive energy legislation recently passed by Congress. The American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454) will help revitalize America's economy by creating millions of new jobs, increase our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and preserve our environment.

"America must lead the world in making the critical investments needed to move beyond 20th Century energy technology and to create a clean energy economy," said Congressman Hall. "It's not just about middle class jobs for today's workers, although given the state of our economy, that's very important.  It's about our future workforce.  The kids here with me today will have the opportunity to get good paying jobs in the clean energy economy thanks to this bill.  Energy security means economic opportunity for the next generation, as well as a safer and healthier world."

The American Clean Energy and Security Act promotes all forms of American clean energy, including wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass. It also will significantly reduce dangerous pollution by limiting emissions from electric utilities, oil refineries, and other major sources.

"By creating a market for solar and wind technology, companies like Mercury will be doing more of these types of installations, and more organizations like the Boys and Girls Club will choose to install renewable power systems," said Congressman Hall. "Because of this bill, renewable energy companies will have more customers, more demand for their products, make more money, and be able to create more jobs.  They will also be able to take advantage of the R&D money the federal government is providing in order to do the cutting edge research to stay ahead of their overseas competitors."

The Boys and Girls Club of Northern Westchester recently installed a 50.4 kilowatt solar photovoltaic system by Mercury Solar Systems. The environmental impact of the Boys and Girls Club system is equal to reducing CO2 emissions by 99,765 lbs a year, planting 5 acres of trees, recycling 939,946 cans of soda, and not burning 5,029 gallons of gasoline.

Jared Haines, President, Mercury Solar Systems, said, "The recent approval by the House of Representatives brings us one step closer to making this historic climate bill a reality. Since President Obama created the Federal Grant Program for Renewable Energy Projects the interest level in solar projects has grown exponentially and we believe this will only continue with the passage of this important piece of legislation."

Tom O'Brien, Board President of the Boys and Girls Club of Northern Westchester said, "Thanks to David Singer of Robison Oil, Jared Haines, and John Hall, the Boys & Girls Club was able to take advantage of tax incentives offered by the state and federal government making the new solar panels a viable alternative energy solution. We've significantly reduced our carbon footprint without a financial burden and stepped firmly into the future! It's a win-win situation for everyone involved and wonderful lesson to our board, community, and children on the importance of energy conservation."

This bill is the same type of market-based American solution that was successfully put into place to fight acid rain with the bipartisan Clean Air Act in 1990. That legislation led to a 10 percent decrease in electricity rates and 16 million new jobs.

"Americans are the people that put a man on the moon," said Hall. "I firmly believe that we as a nation possess the creativity, the innovation and the drive to lead the world in a new clean energy economy. The American Clean Energy and Security Act is going to be the first step to creating this American-made clean energy technology. This landmark legislation will eliminate the need to buy millions of barrels of oil from foreign dictators and give us, our children, and our grandkids a chance at living in a healthy and safe environment. This bill will help stop the flow of U.S. gas dollars to the Middle East, and invest in a diverse, comprehensive American energy portfolio."

With a combination of price spike protections, energy refunds and cost-saving technology, this bill will protect consumers, keep costs low, and protect current jobs by helping energy-intensive industries transition to a cleaner, more profitable future. According to the EPA, the legislation would cost a typical American household less than a postage stamp per day (44 cents), or less than $111 a year. Lower income households will see no new costs; in fact the Congressional Budget Office found that they would actually save $40 per year with the plan. This legislation will not increase the deficit.
