Health Care Reform for Iowa Families

Our health care system is broken. If we do not reform health care now, it is estimated that premiums will rise by $1,800 for a family of four every year. Premiums have doubled in 9 years, growing 3 times faster than wages. If we do not alter the current system, in 10 years, $1 out of $5 will be spent on health care. We must take control of our health care system – taking power out of the hands of insurance companies and placing it back into the hands of everyday people and their doctors.
As the health care debate continues to heat up, I will do everything in my power to fight for Iowa families. We need comprehensive, lasting reform that provides stable health care coverage that can't be taken away, with greater choices, and the peace of mind that health care bills won’t destroy lifetime savings.

Town Halls
This month, I will be hosting town halls around the district. I need your input. In order to create lasting reform, I need to know what is happening on the ground. I invite you to visit one of my town halls in your area and share with me your health care concerns.

Read the Health Care Bill
Click here to read the draft Health Care bill. We still have a long way to go, and I encourage Iowans to reach out and share your concerns with my office.