U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. 26th District of Texas

Contact: Michelle Stein

Sexual Exploitation of Children Over the Internet: The Face of a Child Predator and Other Issues

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WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 26, 2006 -  

Statement by the Honorable Michael C. Burgess, M.D.

Sexual Exploitation of Children Over the Internet:

The Face of Child Predator and Other Issues

September 26, 2006

Thank you Mr. Chairman, and thank you for the continuation of this important series of hearings.

Mr. Chairman, I could have gone my entire life without learning about the dangerous and twisted world of pedophilia; however, over the past few months this Committee has taken up this issue for the sole purpose of trying to protect our children from sexual exploitation over the Internet. Today, we turn our attention to learning more about the face of the child predator. I am confident that the things we learn today from our experts will be very disturbing, yet equally helpful, as this committee continues to look for ways to combat this issue.

These hearings have been a catalyst for more legislation aimed at curbing this serious problem. As we discussed at a hearing in May, our Georgia colleague, Dr. Gingrey, introduced legislation on behalf of his very courageous constituent, Masha Allen. I am a proud cosponsor of this legislation that will increase civil remedies for a victim of child pornographic images over the Internet. Tomorrow, we will discuss more about Masha’s adoption and see if there was anything that could have been done earlier to save that little girl from her horrendous situation.

I also understand that Congresswoman DeGette has legislation that will address the Internet Service Provider’s role through data retention. Congresswoman, I applaud your efforts and look forward to working with you on this important issue. We must not stop until we combat this problem on all levels.

Mr. Chairman, thank you again for your continued leadership and dedication to this problem

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