Ensign on the Issues

Senator Ensign is committed to providing access to quality health care for our nation's senior citizens. The Prescription Discount Card for Seniors saved 6.4 million seniors 12 to 21% off the retail price of most brand name drugs and up to 75% off generic drugs during the time it was in use.

Senator Ensign has also taken the lead on efforts to provide greater Senator Ensign discusses senior issues with a southern Nevada senior constituent.access for Medicare recipients to physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology services. His Medical Access to Rehabilitation Services Act of 2007 would repeal the Medicare beneficiary therapy caps that, if put into effect, would prevent many seniors from receiving therapy. Senator Ensign feels it is irresponsible to set an arbitrary cap on how much therapy a Medicare beneficiary can receive. It ignores the health needs of our senior population—especially the oldest and sickest.


Therapy is crucial for the successful rehabilitation of seniors suffering from conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease and congenital heart failure. Whatever limits are placed on their therapy options are also placed on their chances for recovery. That is why he has called on his colleagues to repeal this cap. Last year, Senator Ensign advocated for an extension to Senator Ensign meets with senior constituents in rural Nevada.the exceptions process that Congress passed in 2005. He introduced the Securing Effective and Necessary Individual Outpatient Rehabilitation Services Act (SENIORS Act) to extend the therapy cap exceptions process for one year. As a result of his efforts, The Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (Public Law No. 109-432) included language to extend the exceptions process through 2007. While this provides for a temporary solution, Senator Ensign looks forward to working with his colleagues to find a more permanent solution to this problem.

Senator Ensign has also worked to maintain access to high quality mammography services for every woman in America. The Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization Act, which he introduced, was signed into law by President Bush. Senator Ensign recognizes that the best tools in the fight against breast cancer are education and early detection. Ensuring that quality mammograms are available plays a key role in detecting breast cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages.

Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Tools

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