Ensign on the Issues

Military Matters
Senator Ensign is extremely proud of our military and the job they are doing around the world. With top-notch military installations in southern and northern Nevada, Senator Ensign has spent a great deal of time meeting with military leaders as well as visiting with rank-and-file men and women in uniform. To Senator Ensign, a strong and ready military makes it less likely that the United States has to use force. As George Washington stated in his first annual address to Congress, “To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.” During times of conflict and war, Senator Ensign believes we must show 100% support for our troops. They must be provided the necessary weapons and tools to continue to be the best military in the world. Senator Ensign also believes that our troops stationed around the world must know how much our country and its citizens support them. Senator Ensign has traveled to Iraq three times to personally tell our men and women in uniform how grateful we are for their sacrifices.

Senator Ensign greets men and women stationed at Nellis Air Force Base and thanks them for their service.
Senator Ensign presents an American flag, flown over Nellis Air Force Base, to Ron Johnson and his daughter Jenna. Shortly after 9/11, Mr. Johnson flew the flag he had been presented at his father's military funeral.
Senator Ensign joins Nevada service men while touring in Iraq.
Senator Ensign greets men and women stationed at Nellis Air Force Base and thanks them for their service.
Senator Ensign presents an American flag, flown over Nellis Air Force Base, to Ron Johnson and his daughter Jenna. Shortly after 9/11, Mr. Johnson flew the flag he had been presented at his father's military funeral.
Senator Ensign joins Nevada service men while touring in Iraq.


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