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 Health and Safety Image of a group of younger children
   Health Issues
Your Immune System

Did you know that your body has a way of fighting infections and diseases? Find out more here.

Disease Database
The Immune Platoon
Your Immune System
Your Immune System Movie

A group of kids, a man and a woman wearing red t-shirts.

Government Sites

All About Mad Cow Disease - A while ago the "Mad Cow Disease" was in the news. This website explains Mad Cow Disease, how it can be transmitted and how it can affect humans and pets.

America Museum of Natural History - Infection Detection Protection - Learn about microbes and infection. Learn about flu and how microbes spread.

BAM! - Body And Mind - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Got a question about fitness, disease, or peer pressure? BAM can help answer your questions.

Building Blocks for a Healthy Future - (Department of Health and Human Services) - The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information advises - - be smart - - don’t start! Learn the facts on just saying no to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

Choices and Consequences - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - While it may seem like everyone is smoking, it isn’t really true. Most people in the United States don’t smoke. Look here to get the real scoop on what people are up to - and why you don’t need to feel like you’re smoke-free all alone. Learn to say no with style.

Cooking With Kids - Team Nutrition - (Department of Agriculture) - Learn about food and healthy eating by helping in the kitchen. Find recipes, activities and guidelines to use when cooking.

Diabetes - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - You might have heard a lot about diabetes lately, even that it’s a disease among kids. Read on to learn more about diabetes and what you can do to recognize and prevent it.

Disease - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Find out about the West Nile Virus, SARs, and other infectious diseases. Learn how scientists track down disease to try to find a cure!

Disease Database - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Your Immune Platoon has many enemies that threaten your good health. Here you can access the Disease Database. You'll learn more about their powers, weaknessess and the proper defenses available to keep your health in tip-top shape.

Eagle's Nest - (Centers for Disease Control) - Here's where kids can learn more about living healthy and diabetes.

Eat Smart - Play Hard! Power Panther Zone - Meet Power PantherTM! He travels all across the country to talk to kids, like you, about how important it is to eat smart and play hard. He is very fast and physically fit. So he will show you how eat smart and use the Food Guide Pyramid as a guide.

Eat Smart Play Hard - Kids - All kinds of activities to help you learn about eating healthy.

Environmental Health Science Education - For Students - (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) - This site provides a list of interactive websites that explain how the environment can affect human health.

FDA Kids' Page - (Food and Drug Administration) - Visit this fun site and learn all about animal care, take a food safety quiz, inspect a warehouse and check out more kids links!

Feelin' Frazzled? - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Kids can get just as stressed as adults do. Knowing how to deal can be half the battle!

Fish Kids - (Environmental Protection Agency) - Fish are healthy food, but some fish may not be safe to eat because they are contaminated with chemicals. Before you go fishing or go to the market, look for fish advisories that tell you which fish are safe to eat.

Food and Nutrition - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Find recipes for quick, easy, tasty, and healthy treats. Play games on making good eating decisions. Find out about healthy snacks.

Food Safety - Want to learn more about food safety? Crossword puzzles, word scrambles, quizzes, and careers in food safety are just some of the things you’ll find when you visit this fantastic website!

Fun Farming Facts - (Farm Service Agency) - Did you know that the average American eats 22 pounds of tomatoes each year? See what other fun facts you can learn.

Garfield Star Sleeper - (National Center on Sleep Disorders Research) - Sleep Well. Do Well. This site brings you information on sleep and how it helps you do your best.

Got Butterflies? Find Out Why! - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Learn what short-term and long-term stress does to your body and how to cope with it through this interactive feature!

Grind Your Mind - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Skateboard with Matt through this animated quiz on peer pressure! Get the questions right and check out Matt performing some cool tricks on his skateboard.

Guide to Getting Along - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Someone took your seat at lunch or pushed ahead of you in line. Your best friend wants you to let her cheat off your test paper. Solving problems in the right way also can help you get through them quickly and easily, and stop them from getting out of control, or even violent. for Kids - (Department of Health and Human Services) - Fun way to learn about health and safety issues. Play games, enter an art contest, learn safe surfing tips, and more at this cool site!

Indian Health Services - Kids Page - Learn more about Native Americans culture. Read their tales and folklore.

Kid-Friendly Recipes - South Carolina Department of Agriculture - Here's a list of fun recipes for you to try - with adult supervision of course!

Kids' Recipes - - (General Services Administration) - Find some fun, family friendly recipes right here.

Lurking in the Locker Room - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Do you know where nasty things like bacteria and fungi may be hiding? C'mon in to the locker room to see what's lurking under foot and behind closed doors.

Michael's Inside Scoop on Genetics - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Your genes are instruction codes for your body - telling cells what to do. These instruction codes do everything, from telling your body when to start puberty to determining the shape of your nose.

Military Kids on the Move - (Department of Defense) - MTOM for Kids was developed by military kids, for military kids with real stories and good advice on how to make a move a good thing. So, what are you waiting for? Get that mouse rolling and start clicking!

Milk Matters for Kids - (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) - The games and activities on this page will help you to learn more about calcium and why it’s important for strong bones and healthy teeth. Find out how much calcium you need every day, and what foods you can eat to get calcium. Blast Off Game - Kids can reach Planet Power by fueling their rocket with food and physical activity. Fuel tanks for each food group help you keep track of how your choices fit into MyPyramid. (Flash Player 7 required) for Kids - Learn all about the food pyramid.

NCEH Kids' Page - The National Center for Environmental Health figures out how your environment affects your health. Learn what affects the environment has on asthma, birth defects, disabilities and more.

News You Can Use - BAM! - The news can be full of stories about bad things like tornadoes, hurricanes, disease threats, bombings, kidnappings, and war. This doesn't mean these things are happening all the time. So how to make sense of it? Visit this useful site to learn tips on understanding just what it all really means.

NIEHS Kids' Page - (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) - Learn how the environment affects your health. Get ideas for science projects, tackle some brainteasers, and more.

Operation Flame Out - BAM! - Can you believe there was a time when people didn’t know that smoking was dangerous?

Sara's Quest - Play Sara's Quest to learn how drugs can harm you.

Sci4Kids - Science is everywhere you look. Learn what scientists do at the Agricultural Research Service. You may be a student today but may already be on your way to a career in science or farming or computers.

Small Step Kids - Find out how eating healthy can be fun! Games and Activities

Smile Style - (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) - Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, so you should do your best to take care of it! See how much you know by playing this game.

Stop Bullying Now - Read what bullying is and what you can do to stop it.

Stress-O-Meter - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Stress can be good, but too much stress is definitely bad. Do you feel just enough stress to keep you on your game, or are you totally wigged-out? Click through these 8 questions to get your personal stress profile.

Sun Proof - - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - It's key to get outside and get active - just make sure you're protected! For outdoor activity, you may need a helmet, a ball, a club... You always need sun protection - it's just another part of your gear!

SunWise Kids - (Environmental Protection Agency) - It's fun to play in the sun, but did you know that too much sun can be bad for you? If you ever had sunburn, you have felt some of the bad effects of too much sun and ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

The Bully Roundup - BAM! - Play this interactive board game to test your bully smarts.

The Buzz on Scuzz - BAM! - Learn about germs and how to stay ahead of those nasty germs.

The Energy Equation - Food + Sleep + Physical Activity = Energy. Play these games to learn more.

The Immune Platoon - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - You're body's immune system is like having your very own super hero team. BAM! calls them the Immune Platoon, a team of super-powered white blood cells dedicated to protecting your body from infections and other diseases that threaten your body's good health.

Tough Choices - BAM! - Play against other contestants to prove you can deal with tough choices.

ToxMystery - Join Toxie the cat and search his house for the possible dangers of the chemical substances in the home.
Es un sitio perfecto para los niños, que ofrece la oportunidad de aprender sobre los posibles peligros de las sustancias químicas en el hogar.

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Other Resources

BrainPOP - Health - BrainPOP's has animated movies created to explain the world around us in an engaging way. There are some FREE movies, but most you have to subscribe to. Kids, make sure to talk this over with your parents.

Cooking with Children - For grownups, spending time in the kitchen might be a chore, but for children the kitchen is a fun and exciting place. Children love to cook and relish doing things like kneading and rolling out dough or cracking eggs and mixing batters. - helps kids who have a parent deployed with the military. Information on journaling, deployment locations, ideas for staying in touch, activities and games, and more!

Egg Facts - There really isn't any other food quite like eggs. We hope you have fun here learning all about them.

KidsHealth - For Kids - This site has thousands of in-depth features, articles, animations, games, and resources - all original and all developed by experts in the health of children and teens.

KidsHealth for Kids - KidsHealth has information on dealing with feelings, staying healthy, diseases and fun stuff too. for Kids - Visit this health science learning site and play interactive games and activities; this will be a fun way to help you make healthy choices.

McGruff.Org - This site provides puzzles, tips, and stories to help children to learn important safety lessons. - Let Mouthie take you into the MouthPower laboratory. Experiment to find the healthiest choices about food, tobacco, and cleaning habits. Explore the history of dentistry and the story of your own teeth! Then create your own poster about healthy mouth habits.

National Mental Health Information Center - Kids Page - Learn about mental health--talking about how you think, feel, and act everyday. Are you mad, glad, sad, or scared? What do you do about it?

Playnormous - Play fun games, watch animation, and learn how to stay healthy.

Recipes for Kids - - If you're hungry, grab your apron and get cooking! Making food yourself - with a little help from a parent - is a great way to learn about food and meal preparation.

Scrub Club - Join forces to fight off harmful germs and bacteria. Interactive games, educational music and downloadable activities teach you the proper way to wash their hands

Sleep For Kids - We need sleep to keep us healthy, happy, and doing our best! Every living thing sleeps, from the smallest insect to the largest whale. Some animals spend as many as 20 hours a day sleeping! While children and adults don't need to sleep quite so many hours, our sleep is just as important. - Where no two brains spark alike - this is a place where kids who learn differently can create awesome stuff, play games, connect with other kids and discover new ways to succeed in school and in life.

Visit the Dentist with Marty - Listen or read along as Marty takes a trip to the dentist with his mom.

Worrying about War - KidsHealth - Dealing with feelings you are unsure of? Want to know more about your dreams? Kids talk - Check out the answers to all you questions.

Your Blood's Amazing Journey - A health activity book that teaches you how your vascular system works. "Blood buddies" show you how the vascular system delivers oxygen and nutrients throughout your body and why you need to eat well and maintain an active lifestyle to keep it healthy.

Your Immune System - - To be immune means to be protected. Your body system that helps fight off sickness is called the immune system. The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body.

Your Immune System Movie - - The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. Watch this movie and learn more.

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Page Revised - 8/4/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.