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Contact: Jessica R. Towhey, Press Secretary

Boehner: How Will Vice President Defend “Stimulus” That Was Supposed to Create Jobs “Immediately” in a State With Over 10 Percent Unemployment?

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Jul 8, 2009


Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) issued the following statement today on Vice President Biden’s trip to Ohio tomorrow:

“I’d like to welcome Vice President Biden to the Buckeye State.  Our state has been hit hard by the recession, and, like many other Ohioans, I’ll be curious to see what the Vice President has to say, especially on the trillion-dollar ‘stimulus’ that clearly isn’t working.  How will he defend a bill that the White House promised would create jobs ‘immediately’ in a state that still has over 10 percent unemployment?  How will he explain the Administration’s promises that if we passed that bill, the nationwide unemployment rate would stay below eight percent, when it’s now at 9.5 percent and rising?  How will he explain supporting policies that will destroy even more American jobs, like Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax or a government takeover of health care financed by a new tax on small business?  The people of Ohio – like people all over America – have a right to know, where are the jobs?”

NOTE:  Boehner recently released a web video targeting the failure of Washington Democrats’ trillion-dollar so-called stimulus bill asking where are the jobs?  While this is a lighthearted video, the underlying point is no laughing matter.  At a time when Ohioans and Americans are looking to Washington for leadership, the “stimulus” has been a wasteful failure.  In May 2008, Ohio’s unemployment was 6.3 percent.  When the “stimulus” was proposed in January, Ohio’s unemployment rate had risen to 9.8 percent; today, it stands at 10.8 percent.  Where are the jobs?

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