Congressman Scott Garrett Proudly Serving the 5th District Of New Jersey

Homeland Security

Homeland Security

As a member of the Congressional Homeland Security and Port Security Caucuses, Scott Garrett has worked with his colleagues to deliver more than $160 million in homeland security grant funding to New Jersey since 2003. He has been an outspoken critic of the fundamentally flawed formula that fails to put a priority on sending funds to high-risk areas, like North Jersey. Scott Garrett’s amendment to the Fiscal Year 2007 Homeland Security Appropriations bill would ensure that appropriate priority is placed on funding for areas that face the greatest threat of terrorist attack.


Scott Garrett also introduced strong reform of the procedures for approving foreign investment in American infrastructure. In the wake of the Dubai Ports World debacle in 2006, when the government of Dubai attempted to purchase operations at Port Newark and five other US ports, Scott Garrett authored legislation to improve the multi-agency process for investigating and approving foreign investments by ensuring that national security always trumps every other consideration.


Scott Garrett has set up a First Responders Advisory Council of firefighters, police, and paramedics from across the Fifth District to discuss issues of importance to these brave community leaders. He regularly works with local first responders to secure new equipment and vehicles through the FIRE Act grants program.

Related Documents:

Newsletter - Letter to Sec. Napolitano 4.28.2009

Press Release - In Case You Missed It: 6.13.2007

Press Release - Garrett Offers 3 Amendments to Redirect Homeland Security Dollars 6.12.2007

Press Release - Rep. Garrett Announces $91.3 Million in Homeland Security Grants 5.16.2007

Press Release - Rep. Garrett Authors Risk-Based Homeland Security Funding Amendment 5.8.2007

More Documents...

Related Files:

04/30/09 Letter to Obama and Napolitano re CBP Masks and Swine Flu043009--Letter to Obama and Napolitano re CBP Masks and Swine Flu

04/22/09 Letter to Secretary Napolitano

Chertoff Comm Letter