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Updated 16 September 2005

Vision and Framework for Strategy and Planning
Published August 2005




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DOE Headquarters: Courtesy of DOE/NREL, Credit – U.S. Department of Energy



U.S. Capitol Dome:


NREL Solar Energy Research Facility, Golden, Colorado: Courtesy of DOE/NREL, Credit – Thomas Wood


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CCTP is a multi-agency, planning and coordination entity that assists the Cabinet leaders of government in carrying out the President’s National Climate Change Technology Initiative. In this capacity, CCTP’s role is to work with the participating R&D agencies to plan, prioritize, and coordinate related, supporting research, as well as to work with the Administration to formulate budgets and adjust the R&D portfolio as needed to better meet CCTP strategic goals. Discussed below, CCTP’s management functions include executive direction; interagency planning, coordination and integration; agency implementation, including monitoring and reporting progress; external interactions; and program support.

Executive Direction

In accord with Figure 1 (page 5), CCTP exercises executive direction through the Cabinet-level CCCSTI and its IWG on Climate Change Science and Technology. The IWG is populated by agency deputies, who are in positions to recommend Cabinet-level approval of coordinated plans and programs and to direct actions that will guide respective agency implementation of those plans and programs.

Executive direction is further facilitated by the CCTP Steering Group. The Steering Group is comprised of senior-level representatives from each participating Federal agency. It ensures that all agencies have a means to raise and resolve issues regarding the CCTP. It functions as a facilitating and coordinating body. The Steering Group assists the CCTP Director in accessing needed information and resources within each agency. The Steering Group is briefed regularly on CCTP plans and activities and assists in developing agency budget crosscuts and proposals, conveying information and actions back to the agencies, and supporting accomplishment of the CCTP mission. The Steering Group also ensures that consistent guidance and direction is given to the CCTP Working Groups, and formulates recommendations and advice back to the CCCSTI, through the IWG.

Interagency Planning and Integration

The CCTP Working Groups (WGs), identified in Box 2 (page 33), are primarily responsible for carrying out the missions and staff functions of the CCTP. The WGs are assisted by subgroups, as appropriate, and by supporting technical staff drawn from the participating agencies, their affiliated laboratories and facilities, and other available expert and consulting staff. The WGs are expected to:

  • Serve as the principal means for interagency deliberation and development of CCTP plans and priorities, and the formulation of guidance for supporting analyses in WG’s respective areas
  • Provide a forum for exchange of inputs and information relevant to planning processes, including workshops and other meetings;
  • Engage, cooperate with, and coordinate inputs from the relevant R&D agencies;
  • Identify ongoing R&D activities and identify R&D gaps, needs, and opportunities – near- and long-term;
  • Support relevant interfaces with CCSP science studies and analyses;
  • Formulate advice and recommendations to present to the CCCSTI;
  • Assist in the preparation of periodic reports to Cabinet members and the President

Box 2: CCTP Working Groups

Energy End-Use – Led by DOE
  • Hydrogen End-Use
  • Transportation
  • Buildings
  • Industry
  • Electric Grid and Infrastructure
Energy Production – Led by DOE
  • Hydrogen Production
  • Renewable and Low Carbon Fuels
  • Renewable Power
  • Nuclear Fission Power
  • Fusion Energy
  • Low Emissions Fossil-Based Power

CO2 Sequestration – Led by USDA
  • Carbon Capture
  • Geologic Storage
  • Terrestrial Sequestration
  • Ocean Storage
  • Products and Materials
Other (Non-CO2) Gases – Led by EPA
  • Energy & Waste - Methane
  • Agricultural Methane and Other Gases
  • High Global-Warming-Potential Gases
  • Nitrous Oxide
  • Ozone Precursors and Black Carbon
Measuring and Monitoring – Led by NASA
  • Application Areas
  • Integrated Systems Architecture
Basic Research – Led by DOE
  • Fundamental Research
  • Strategic Research
  • Exploratory Research
  • Integrative Planning Processes

Agency Implementation

The CCTP relies on the participating Federal agencies to contribute to CCTP progress and goal accomplishment. CCTP recognizes that agencies must balance CCTP priorities with other mission requirements. However, the CCTP relies on the agencies to place appropriate priority on CCTP program implementation. Priority setting is facilitated by appointing agency heads and deputies to the CCCSTI and IWG. Top agency officials make up the CCTP Steering Group. Agency executives and senior-level managers serve as chairs and members of the CCTP Working Groups. As such, once CCTP plans, programs and priorities are deliberated and set, the agencies are well positioned and prepared to follow through and contribute to execution and completion.

External Interactions

The CCTP accesses expert opinion and technical input from various external parties, through advisory groups, program peer-review processes, conference participation, international partnerships and other activities. In addition, CCTP staff convenes technical workshops and meetings with experts both inside and outside the Federal Government. The CCTP activities are of interest to a number of external parties, including state and local governments, foreign governments, and international organizations, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Energy Agency (IEA), and the IPCC. The CCTP provides coordinated support, through the relevant agency programs, for enhanced international cooperation by engaging with and supporting activities of mutual interest.

Program Support

The CCTP staff provides technical and administrative support and day-to-day coordination of CCTP-wide program integration, strategic planning, product development, communication and representation. The CCTP staff: (1) provides support for the Working Groups and the Steering Group; (2) fosters integration of activities to support the CCTP goals; (3) conducts and supports strategic planning activities that facilitate the prioritization of R&D activities and decision-making on the composition of the CCTP portfolio, including conducting analytical exercises that support planning (such as technology assessments and scenario analysis); (4) develops products that communicate the CCTP’s plans, as well as the progress of the CCTP and its Federal participants toward meeting the CCTP goals; (5) coordinates interagency budget planning and reporting; (6) assists and supports the Administration in representing U.S. interests in the proceedings of the United Nations IPCC; and (7) coordinates agency support of international cooperative agreements.

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